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Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:32 am
by T.Low
I know it's a long shot...but if I didn't ask, then one of you would probably be his next door neighbor...and you'd work right next door to UPS. #-o So I thought I'd atleast ask.

Been looking for these for quite a while now. Normally $429.00 new. Top safety ratings. Same as the ones I have now except mine are old and worn out...

I emailed begging him to ship them to me with a variety of payment reply yet.

Thanks guys.

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:05 am
by dunedog
Tom, I'm about 100 miles away. If I can help let me know or if these folks go to Vermont, I'm on the route to that state.

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:41 am
by mdmead
I'll get them for you Tom. I'm just going to need you to cover travel expenses... About $800 ought to do it... :muhaha:

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:09 am
by T.Low
Thats a great offer, Dunester, I'll email him and see if he has any travel plans.

Or, my fuel truck driver is on the road making stops and I need to pay him. I'll send him over to fill up Matt's rig. Matt, I'll send you a check for $4800 so you can give my fuel truck driver the $4000 I owe him and keep the rest for your projected expenses. :muhaha:

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:52 am
by T.Low
Something tells me I doubt I'll be doing business with this guy.

quote from his one and only reply to my three emails (I asked in case he happenned to be travelling to Vermont any time in the near future, a friend lives on the route and could make the sale real easy for both us):

"Nope no travel plans. If you really want them then your friend cane come to CT and pick them up but I'm not driving to VT so he can send them to you.

It's too bad he can't just drive them over to the ups and ship the damn things. Its the exact boot I've been looking for, like-new condition, for about 45% of the cost. Argh . He doesn't want to sign up for a paypal so I suggested he wait until my check clears and then ship them collect, but no dice. What's the deal with some people?

Thanks anyway, Dunester, I appreciate the generous offer of your time and efforts as usual. I'll keep looking. I'm monitoring a pair on ebay but looks like automatic bidders will take it out of my price range. Also place wanted ads on CL Seattle. At this poiint, getting exactly what I want at a price I'm comfortable with is more important than timing. With water proof Seal Skins socks, I can make mine work until I find the right ones. I have the cash sitting in an envelope marked "MX Boots". :D

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:58 am
by mdmead
Well, it's his ball I guess.

Drop him one last note saying if he changes his mind, you have the cash waiting. Who knows, if he doesn't sell them soon, he may change his mind.

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:45 pm
by T.Low
I posted a similar call for help on ADVRider, knowing that with over 145,00 members and the general kinship riders have for each other (almost as much of a bond as AstroSafari owners! :) ) I thought I'd take the chance.

Sure enough, guy name Claudio lives 2 miles away from the seller and after a few emails and a phone call, he has picked them up tonite and will ship them out to me collect tomorrow. His post count is around 750 and his join date is almost 4 years ago, and after talking to him on the phone I figured I go for it. (He told me he did some ADVRider research on me and had to warn me to quit riding those wheelies now that I have a baby daughter coming.) He even paid the guy cash and just wants me to reimberse him. Claudio said he is jealous, the Alpinestars Tech 8's he got for me are definitely a lot nicer than his Tech 7's. Just for a bit of due diligence I checked and sure enough the CL add has been deleted (signifying the boots have left the seller's possession).

Keeping my fingers crossed. My feetsies got a little wet and very cold yesterday with snow and icey puddles on the single track. My Tech 8's have seen better days, to say the least, looking forwad to the new ones.

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:26 pm
by Smiliesafari
COOL !!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that worked out for you. :bounce: Having been the father of a baby girl (she's all grown up now) I second the motion on no more wheeles. There's way too much fun being a Dad to mess up. \:D/
HI to Jen.

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:48 pm
by T.Low
Ha Skip, I had to laugh. Ok I won't any dangerous wheelies, only safe ones!


Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 7:36 pm
by dunedog
=D> that's good Tom, and if there's a problem 'Have Gun Will Travel' :muhaha:

Re: Anybody in Hartford, or actually New Britain?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:54 pm
by T.Low
Woohoo! Here's an internet pic of what came in the mail for me today!


Alpinestar Tech 8's. For years regarded as the safest motocross boot on the market, offering the most protection yet still supple enough to get good feed back from the shifter and break levers and the terrain. List price $430, seen 'em with shipping included for $464. Claudio from ADV came thru and I sent him a little extra tip for his time and efforts to put towrds his parts fund. The Craigslist seller said these have been worn for 45 minutes total, have some scratches on the buckles from sliding around in the back of his truck (slacker :dunce: ) but are really not even broken in and in like new condition, and after getting my mitts on them, I have know reason to think otherwise. They look great. With Claudio's help I saved a couple hundred dollars! Thats still a lot of dough, but legs and injury time off are a lot more expensive.

They changed the Tech 8's a year or two ago, but apparently they were simply too stiff and reviews said that they never seemed to break-in, and they listed for $549. Enough people complained that Alpinestar went back to it's previous Tech 8 model, and named the new version the Tech 10's, which suprise suprise, don't seem to be selling as well.

Thanks again for your offers Dunester, and every have a great Holiday Season. There are good people out there!

Merry Christmas everyone.