Degrees of Cold (I had to translate so unfortunately some humour is lost)
+18℃ Residents of Hawaii sleep with two sheets.
+10℃ Residents in Helsinki apartments turn the heat off. Russians cultivate flowers.
+2℃ Italian cars don't start
0℃ Distilled water freezes
-1℃ Your breath becomes visible. Russians eat ice cream and drink cold beer.
-4℃ The dog tries to crawl into your bed.
-10℃ French cars don't start.
-12℃ Politicians start speaking about the homeless.
-15℃ American cars don't start.
-18℃ Helsinki residents turn on the heat. Residents of Hawaii already froze.
-20℃ Your breath becomes audible.
-24℃ German cars don't start
-29℃ The dog tries to crawl into your pyjamas. Japanese cars don't start.
-30℃ No normal cars, even Russian, can start.
-39℃ The fervent atmosphere in Congress freezes. Russians do up the top button on their shirts.
-50℃ The car tries to crawl into the bed with you.
-60℃ Residents of Helsinki freeze. Seals abandon Greenland and migrate South.
-70℃ Hell freezes over. University of Kuznetsk organizes cross-country orienteering to warm up.
-72℃ Lawyers put their hands into their own pockets.
-75℃ Santa Claus abandons the Arctic Circle.
-120℃ Alcohol freezes. The Russian is pissed off.
-268℃ Helium turns to liquid
-273.15℃ Absolute zero. Motion of all sub-atomic particles ceases. The Russian, licking his frozen vodka, admits that it's damn cold.