Universal Supercharger

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Universal Supercharger

Post by slammed_safari »

does any one think this would work? thought it was cool but looks like a scam

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Universa ... dZViewItem
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Post by kings-x59 »

Sounds fishy to me...and dangerous. No variable speed on the motor, just an on off switch. So you hit the switch, blast off, your hand comes off the switch and you plough through everything in front of you.
I wonder why he refers to it as a "supercharger / Turbo". Which is it, turbo or supercharger - big difference.
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Post by Mr_Roboto »

It's a scam, that couldn't supercharge a lawn mower probably. Just a bigger restriction then anything. It would file under "supercharger" but not turbocharger because there's no power being used from the exhaust stream; a turbo is a supercharger but not vice versa.
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