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Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:10 pm
by JTalley
I'm not sure exactly where I read this, but I heard about a device being built into some new cars that makes the accelerator force itself back up if it detects that you're stomping on it.
It sounds like a wreck waiting to happen, imo.
I mean, I can think of two times just off the top of my head where a heavy foot has saved my car, possibly even my life.
Just imagine that you're sitting at a stop sign, a semi truck is coming at you pretty fast, you gun it, your car "pushes back," essentially, and you get smacked.
I think this "safety feature" is gonna get somebody killed. Anyone else have an opinion on this?
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:58 pm
by astroturf
DON'T buy that car...
LOLz, Jim
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:05 pm
by Cobra
i've had to mash the petal a couple times just merging onto the highway
JTalley: you don't happen to know where you saw that info by any chance do you
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:31 pm
by JTalley
I forget where I found it, but I'm looking for it now...
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:42 pm
by JTalley
I found it
here in step 2. However, following the footnote left me with nothing as the page is apparently gone.
ADD: Found two sites about it.
here and
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:45 pm
by doyoulikeithere
I seriously hate the way we are always forced to allow things like this to happen by our idiotic systems of law.
The more idiot proof they try to make stuff, the more idiots they create!
Drivers ed is a joke these days, anyone with a few bucks can get a license with minimal effort or skill. People treat driving as their "Rights", not privilege.
Manufacturers are so afraid of being sued by the idiots that they pander to them and start to idiot proof everything. Seems Japanese/asian cars are the worst for it.
More idiots get on the road in their idiot-proof-mobiles, and then there more idiots on the roads that unfortunately bump into non idiots.
Everyones insurance goes up and they make more and more idiot-proof type features for cars.
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:05 pm
by Kidhauler
Yeah because people are really going to listen and take it well when some twit tells them they can't buy the car they want because he doesn't think they are smart enough to drive it.
How would you like it if some government suit came up and took your van away and said too bad we have looked at your driving and you don't qualify for your van you get a yaris instead.
As far as the gas pedal goes it is no different than drive by wire that has been in use for years they just hooked up a servo to stiffen the pedal. If you don't like it turn it off and burn more gas.
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:50 pm
by doyoulikeithere
Kidhauler wrote:Yeah because people are really going to listen and take it well when some twit tells them they can't buy the car they want because he doesn't think they are smart enough to drive it.
Like I've said, people treat driving as their "Right" not their priveledge.
and If they cant get what they want, theres hell to pay!
If I gave the TWIT/RCMP some reason to take away my licence, thats the way it goes. like it or not.
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:58 pm
by VanGoGo
Years ago I was joking about this with friends, and decided that the same time a person takes his drivers test, he should also have to take an IQ test. The people who disliked the idea were generally the worst drivers (and now we knew why) <8B
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 8:29 am
by Kidhauler
Last time I checked this was a free country. If someone passes the test they have the right to buy whatever they want.
You driving like a jackass and getting your liscence pulled is far different than someone saying " sorry you passed your test just like everyone else did but you don't have the right to drive that car it too nice here take this piece of crap instead". If the law pulls your liscence you deserve it you must have sone something. The cops have better thing to do than pull your plates if you were doing nothing wrong.
The driving test in BC is much tougher than it used to be. Also the fines and penalties are very high if you are 40kph over the limit they take your car for a week.
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 6:52 pm
by WoodButcher
LOL, ABS brakes, cars that park for you, front looking "radar", jeez, I drive, not the car, if I didn't want to drive I'd take the bus.
Makes me think of a time when I was a kid on vacation in the seventies. My folks and I went to Lake George NY w/ my aunt and uncle, a few hours drive through the Berkshire Hills in New England. We went in 2 cars my uncle driving his new caddy, that thing had all the gadgets. Following him he would be cruising down the hills up to and past the 100 MPH mark and crawling up the hills as slow as 25 on the parkway where the limit is 65. It was nuts especially considering he was a Norwalk CT police officer??? How in God's name can a cop drive that bad???? At the first rest area we found out, he showed us one of his cars new gadgets. The car had a sensor for fuel economy, a green light for savings and yellow for waste, he just kept that green light green. The fact that he had his sandwich sitting on a shelf in front of the speedo and the fact the caddy rode like it was on a cloud at any speed explained the rest.
Oh yeah, that and uncle Cliff had tunnel-vision! A cop that couldn't guage his own speed, justice is blind,,,
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 7:47 pm
by doyoulikeithere
Kidhauler wrote:Last time I checked this was a free country. If someone passes the test they have the right to buy whatever they want.
People who pass the test driving a tiny car using an automatic transmission and the self parking feature, should not be permitted to drive a full size 1 ton 5 speed dually diesel pickup towing a 28 foot travel trailer in highway 1, unless they have proven their skill.
Todays testing would not see the difference between those 2 class 5 drivers.
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:57 pm
by safari kev
thats why itook my driving test in a 20 ft long cadillac (aka a boat). first time I took the test I flunked (didnt know how to work all the fancy gadgets in an 80's caddy- self releasing parking brake- digital climate control- headlamps that turn themselves on- too fancy for me. lol) I passed the driving part of the test with flying colors (only problem was finding a parking spot on the street where the car would fit in between driveways). instructor actually told me that she greatly enjoyed driving around town with me and thought I was ready to drive anything. just I didnt know where my in car controls were.
second time I barely passed- but the instructor was doing everything but instructing. she was looking at her phone in her lap the whole time (texting her friends). I would have reported her, but then I probably would have had to take my test again.
anyways, I agree that drivers ed is a joke. when I went the driving instructor wanted me to already know how to drive. he made me spend all my time driving in culdesacs to practice hand over hand turns. total waste of time since I palm the wheel or steer with 1 hand. IMO it was a total waste of $400 since my dad still had to teach me how to drive after completing drivers ed.
Re: Anyone else think this sounds dangerous?
Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:37 pm
by JTalley
I took my test in a 1991 S10 Blazer. My test was a piece of cake. She had me pull out of the parking lot, and make a handful of turns. I had to park in a residential area (where there were no parking spaces, btw), then I just had to drive back to the dmv. I pulled into an empty spot, we got out, and she said I passed. She did tell me that I messed up in the residential parking thing... Something about turning left and backing up until the front wheel touches the curb...
Before we even began the test, she demanded to know if I had air conditioning... I said no... She wasn't too happy about that...