Anyone use Google Sketchup?

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Anyone use Google Sketchup?

Post by T.Low »

I've used Google Shetchup "quick start" to design a garage for one friend, and a carport/work shop for another friend. It's pretty simple, quick and I can even show him how his cars are going to fit. It provides for a rudimentary design.

With my other friend's garage we were able to design the whole interior including all the shelving, the work bench, the mountain bikes hanging on one wall, the kayaks on another, a flat screen tv in the corner over the L shaped workbench, a corner doggie kennel with a doggie door to the outside dog run (even put a a terrier like hers in it).

Get to pick different colors and materials and a bit of simple landscape.

I was amazed at what I could accomplish during just one of Olivia's naps.

But now I have a project of my own and want to see how everything fits before I start frameing. it's a goofey indoor project that if I told anybody what I was doing they'd laugh and tell me I'm an idiot and wouldn't offer any advice.

The issue I have is that I can't seem to draw up 2x4 studs in any timely fashion. I have a feeling the answer is to learn how to "make a component" out of the 45" 2x4's I need, then "copy and array" them.

The other (copout) option is to hand draw the framing detail.

The thing is, when i see my brother during the holidays I'd like to be able to show him the finished idea of the room, and then also be able to show him how I think I need to frame it to get the desired result. He can show me what changes to make. After, of course he tells me I'm an idiot and shouldn't waste my time and moeny with stupid projects liike this.


Meanwhile, I'll keep studying the tutorials. It can't be that tough to make a component.
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Re: Anyone use Google Sketchup?

Post by okie1 »

that is a nice slideshow.
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Re: Anyone use Google Sketchup?

Post by MountainManJoe »

Sure. I like how quickly you can design a layout with Sketchup. My only criticism is that it can be very awkward to get a good view of it. I wish they would make "walkthrough" mode.
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Re: Anyone use Google Sketchup?

Post by JTalley »

I use SketchUp quite a bit, even though most of the stuff I design never gets built. When I have to use lots of 2x4s at once, I just make one out to the side, then use the select tool and copy it. You can just paste it into your design, use the rotation tool to turn it how you want it, then shorten it to fit right. It still takes a little while, but probably not as long as making each one individually.

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Re: Anyone use Google Sketchup?

Post by T.Low »

Thanks, Okie1. The slideshow was fun to (be able to) make. :)

TLessB, I just saw a tutorial video on youtube about tips for their walk thru and how to use it better. I didn't really watch it, but apparently it's a common problem and it'snot very self expanatory how to use it.

JT, thanks for the hot tip. I actually finished my framiing except for a bottom step. I'll check out your method anyway.

My rotation skills suck. It's amazing how fast I can take an object that only needs a tiny adjustment and all of the sudden I've got it on a completely different plane and pointingt in a completely different direction. I've got to watch the tutorial video for that again.

Incidently, I've only found one Astro van in the 3D Warehouse and it's a low rider. I've seen the tutorials on how to make a car, I don't know if I'll ever get that good, but I'd sure like to sketch my van so i can add and delete mods to see how they'd fit and look.

For anyone interested, here's a link to the 3D Warehouse and just search for any car or object you want to look at. People desing them and then enter them into the Warehouse and anyone can use them in their sketches.
Here's what i found when I needed a Sportsmobile van for my buddy's project: ... revstart=0

Thanks again JT.
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