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Our Post NECO story, and it continues
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:35 pm
by Fire Cakes
Well, if you are following the NECO thread you will have realized the break downs that happened with vans. The night that Keith broke down and arrived back at our place I had to spend 2 hours in the ER with Ben. He was swinging on the swingset in our back yard and his hand slipped and he fell off the swing landing on his left wrist. We left the ER with a splint on his hand and found out that he had a buckle fracture of the radius. They didn't cast it but told us to call an orthopedic surgeon on Monday. We got an appointment for him for 2 pm and he is now in a lime green cast for six weeks. Looks like his summer will be shot. They told him no swimming, riding his bike, swinging and all the fun stuff that goes with summer. Poor kid.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:09 pm
by GEJ
I'll use the excuse that I am not use to keeping up with two sites let alone three with the RV site I have joined.But in any case,I'll say the same thing here somewhat as I did on the other site.Ben,I hope you are feeling better soon.It is part of growing up for some.Get as many people to sign the cast as you can.That's the fun part.Sorry to hear you got to cut back on your summer fun.I'm sure you'll find other things to do thro.Gary
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:21 pm
by potskie
Ya I hope you feel better soon.. Well i know you will since you now have the ultimate get outta jail and chores free card. Get EVERYONE i mean everyone to sign that sucker like even the post man. Then frame it that thing is essentially a trophy. If you get real creative do something like get everyone on AS and ASV to mail you a signature to add to it with glue or something.
Also be creative you would be amazed what you can come up with to do when your cast bound.
Casts are definatly part of growing up i can't think of to many summers I had when i was younger that didnt involve a cast or something injured at some point. Then again i could have just been a very special kid.
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:37 pm
by SoCalli V8
Sorry to hear about your wrist Ben, But that color absolutely ROCKS!!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:31 am
by peter
Sorry to hear about your arm, Benoit. At least this gives you time to concentrate your efforts. I find that as of late, you've been a bit haphazard in your once-religious daily chore of teasing your sister mercilessly. Maybe this fracture is a small reminder of where your duty lies... [-X
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:17 am
by Mr_Roboto
If anyone asks you why you have the cast, say "the war" or "I wiped out jumping busses on my motorcycle" Sure bet you'll be beating the girls off with a stick in no time, don't forget broken bones heal and chicks dig scars.
PS:Hey petey, did you know you can delete posts?
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:31 am
by peter
Ahhhhhh, shaddup!!!!!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:50 am
by mdmead
Mr_Roboto wrote:
PS:Hey petey, did you know you can delete posts?
Petey will do anything to up his post count.......
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:20 pm
by danlauer
Our daughter did the same thing about two years ago. Well she did not fall off of a swing but rather fell as she was running away from Peter. Don't blame her for running though. Not really she fell at school on the playground. But it sounded better the other way.
Anyways back to the story she rides horses and that is her life so when they made her cast the made it thiner in her hand area so that she could still ride. My point being you can still do things you just have to be very careful. Oh and if by chance you get it wet on accident of course dry it with a hair dryer not just the outside but the inside as well.