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Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:03 pm
by HPbyStan ... ?start=all
I'm going to keep adding pictures to this Photobucket link instead of posting pics everytime I get something else done. Short note under the pics... HP

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:00 pm
by Smiliesafari
COOL project, Stan. I'll be watching. :supz:

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:15 pm
by HPbyStan
Cut part of the roof off today.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:05 am
by 1Gary
Stan-I was going to give you the ref to the project I almost remember of a member that has a pick-up built dual TBI 383 SBC gen II Astro he was working on.I don't remember his user name through.Not sure if it ever got done.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:18 am
by HPbyStan
Hi Gary, I remember that project as well and was wondering if it ever was finished too. At least he didn't start with a wreaked one though. You should have seen this thing jump around as cuts were made.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:01 am
by 1Gary
Hi Stan-there is a guy here in town that grafted the back wall of a El Camino onto the 55 Chevy.He is know for quality work and with the side part that slopes down looks slick as hell.If you have a pick and pull with one,you might want to check it out taking measurements of the Astro.

As far as it moving while you cut it,well your changing it anyways so you might just have to give it a tug here and there to get it back to where you want it.Not for nothing,but if where me,(in fact it will be once I cut Ole Yellar's roof for the conversion top),I would tack in bracing before the cut.I am going to leave the roof bows in place and then screw on the top and then cut the bows off from the inside.

I do remember when Bubba built this van,(and notice how he left the rear section of the van for keeping it square.............kind of sneaky,but effective.),he had tacked in temporary bracing.


Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:44 am
by HPbyStan
Thanks for your note. I'm hoping that most of the jumping around was from stresses from the bent up roof being released. I noticed that the gap between the good drivers door and the body closed up some toward the top so I put a bottle jack under the body just behind where the sub frame bolts on and jacked the gap back to even. I'll have to deal with the pass side when I get enough stuff back on that side to get perspective. I'm surely am not a pro body man, I'm a retired auto assembly line worker with a lot of tools. This will be fun if it turns out well and a good reminder to not do it again if it doesn't. I probably should stick to doing motorcycle head work that I can do standing up at a bench at my age instead of climbing all over a wreaked Astro van.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:01 pm
by 1Gary
Stan-I can't be more serious about this link.

These guys are the most talented experts in medal work anywhere on the net.Sign on as a member and post your project in the automotive section.I am very sure they will walk you threw anything.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:18 pm
by HPbyStan
Interesting link. I bookmarked it, Thank You.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:18 am
by 1Gary
Yeah Stan.There is a guy on there that scratch build a aluminum car that is just drop dead gorgeous.It shows the level of skill those guys have.They have meets all over the country where guys get together at guy's shops and you bring parts from your project where they teach you how to form the parts you need.The Comstock's shop is about two hrs from me and certainly at some point I will attend one of their meets leaving knowing more than I did before.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:33 am
by doyoulikeithere
Hey Stan.
Nice project. I will be watching too!!
I've seen another elcamino style van on the other site, quite a while back. ... file&u=213
Dont know if that helps or if youve already seen it but thought I would toss it in the ring.
He used back doors with pop out windows to build the back wall, but I guess a Slider or dutch door window could be another route.
Looking forward to more pictures...your neighbours will have things to talk about for a while eh? Good, so do you... Lol.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 6:01 pm
by HPbyStan
Got the pass door installed.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:16 pm
by HPbyStan
Got the $70 roof trial fit today. Pleasently surprised so far.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:25 pm
by HPbyStan
I welded the new roof on today. It went well and the doors fit like new. So far, so good.

Re: Astro "El Camino" and other neat stuff,,,,

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:01 pm
by WoodButcher
HPbyStan wrote: I'm surely am not a pro body man, I'm a retired auto assembly line worker with a lot of tools. This will be fun if it turns out well and a good reminder to not do it again if it doesn't. I probably should stick to doing motorcycle head work that I can do standing up at a bench at my age instead of climbing all over a wreaked Astro van.

Funny the things those of us with a skill in one area can do when we try something different. When I was younger I did wood, slate, and copper roofing for my pocket and carpentry was more a hobby and fill in. When I reached forty the bones said "no more!" so I started bangin' nails full time. My hobbies switched from wood, to my safari to computers , cooking and even to sewing? (roofing played hell on my jeans so I had a lot of repair work to do) :muhaha: Who knows what else is next.
Enjoy it while you can, nice work Stan, keep it up. =D>