need moter help questions
Topic author - I am merely driving my van
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:32 pm
need moter help questions
hello i have a 98 chevy astro 4.3 vortec with 198 thousand miles on it it has had a lifter tick for a long time more when you fist start it then quites down and light is on for a o2 sencer . yesterday i was driving 75 down the freeway then it was acting like some ting was wrong with the tranney when i got off the freeway i noticed it wasn't the tranney it was missing. i got home and put a code scanner on it it gave me the o2 sencer i knew and a miss on cylinder 2 so i pulled the plug and it is firing and looked good i done a tune up na year ago but it has been sitting prob 15 to 20 thousand miles since the tune up cap looked good. then i reset the codes and fired it up now it sayes random miss fire . i know the moter is tired with all those miles on it .any ideas? thanks kelly also i was trying to figure out how to pull the motor when i need to only way i see is to pull the rad support off and out that way is this right ? i was reading through the repair manual it says i have to take the body off the frame. can it be done with out taking it off ? and when i rev up the motor it pops through the exzaust . i havent done a compression test yet
Topic author - I am merely driving my van
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:32 pm