85 Chevy Van instrument gauge cluster question

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85 Chevy Van instrument gauge cluster question

Post by VanMan75 »

ok, so Ive removed my original instrument cluster which had the speedo on the left, and the water, oil and volt gauges on the right and the fuel level in the small upper middle location. Im replacing it with a gauge cluster that has the speedo on the left (same as mine) but on the right has a large fuel level gauge., the temp gauges are just red lights in the upper middle location. I cant find a wiring diagram anywhere that matches my 8 pin harness., they all show a 9 pin harness.,,. is there any way or does anyone know of the 8 pin harness and its pin out ? and also the newer cluster im putting in is from a 86 G30, so I'll need to know what pin out it is also, although I can follow the leads and see where they go to and figure it out that way but it would be much easier to follow a diagram that Im sure is out there somewhere!!

let me know if there is further info needed or pics etc?

so to reiterate, my van is a 85 g10 chevy, with a gauge cluster of 8 pin harness, the newer gauge is also an 8 pin harness...and by 8 pin I mean one side has 8 pins and the other side also has 8 pins so essentially its a 16 pin harness... the only difference with the clusters are the gas gauge is on the right side and the temp gauges are just red lights in the upper middle location.

I will only need to wire up the gas gauge really because I will be installing a set of temp gauges and volt meter separately but either way I can wire them up as well, it should give me an extra warning indication if something fails....

anyways., please help me! I need a diagram or someones knowledge of these types of gauge cluster pinout wiring.,

I believe the pick up trucks are 9 pin x2= 18 pin., and the vans are 8 pin x2=16 pin? either way mine is a 8/16 pin
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Re: 85 Chevy Van instrument gauge cluster question

Post by MountainManJoe »

Hi welcome to the forum.

Have you tried a Haynes manual?

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