Once you enter your van info, find the parts section. It will have a listing of part numbers. Click on the top of the screen where it says more info. A PDF of the parts will open.
astroturf wrote:Once you enter your van info, find the parts section. It will have a listing of part numbers. Click on the top of the screen where it says more info. A PDF of the parts will open.
Enjoy, Jim
Sorry it is at the bottom of the page after you select a part:
astroturf wrote:Once you enter your van info, find the parts section. It will have a listing of part numbers. Click on the top of the screen where it says more info. A PDF of the parts will open.
Enjoy, Jim
Sorry it is at the bottom of the page after you select a part:
I got the part replaced and evac/recharged the system and everything is working now.'
Has anyone else experienced anything like this where the dipstick tube heated up causing the AC hose to melt and leak refrigerant?
Seems like a design error because once I installed the new hose, it was still touching the dipstick tube so I had to get some of those plastic crinkle-style wire protectors and put it around the dipstick tube where the AC hose made contact.