Lots of earthquakes in Oklahoma lately

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I sleep in my van
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Lots of earthquakes in Oklahoma lately

Post by JTalley »

Some people think it has to do with the oil drilling practices. Something about fracking? I've heard the word, but I have no idea what it is. Lots of people around here are getting nervous, and of course all the "2012 we all gonna die" people are having a field day with it.
http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/ ... 006klz.php
http://www.arkcity.net/articles/2011/11 ... 697157.txt

I don't know what to think. Personally, I think it might have something to do with the drilling, but it might just be the ever-changing earth doing what it does best. It's an interesting topic, anyway.

What do you all think?

Ed- 1992 Astro, RWD, 4.3l V6 (purchased Feb. 2011)
FlowTech Red Hots glasspack exhaust (finally got it put on there!)
Old rides (earlier to later)
2004 Honda 250 Rebel (my dad's bike, he let me use it)
Neko- 1991 S10 Blazer, 4x4, 4-door (SOLD Feb. 2011)
Custom (aka failed) diy paint job- red with black stripe
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