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Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:14 pm
by dj_joker_2002
I bought a steel roll pan (can't remember from whom) but the back of my van was hit once upon a time before I got it and the floor right at the end is slightly bent, so I have to cut that section out and weld in a piece from the salvage yard before I can install the roll pan. ](*,) I sure hope its not one like you got, I'll have to check my reciepts book.

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:56 am
by Rebel
There was alot of work and time put into making this pan and it looks great but way off as far as fit. Might as well be for Coupe De
I haven't gotten the pics sent to FBI yet and am waiting to hear from them before I cut the top 90* off. After removing it, looks like it'll be right on. We'll see what FBI wants me to do after they see pics. I don't want another pan because of issues with doors rubbing top 90 when they are opened or closed and several other issues. There's no way they can build a pan that fits perfectly,,I don't think,,,,, so I'm sure I'll wind up removing the top 90* bend.
Good luck on your install.

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:35 pm
by Rebel
Talked to Victor at FBI today after he had a chance to look over the pics I sent of the rollpan I was having issues with and he agrees that it appears the process has gotten out of spec. I asked if they were still using the Astro rear panel to check pans and he said they had not done that in about a year and would have to start. Anyway, they're sending another pan at no charge other than cutting out for the LED's and middle tag box which I added on to this one. Bunch of great guys at FBI and on top of the replacement pan, they are going to discount the tag box and LED cut.

Here are a few pics I sent for them to look at and you'll be able to see how far off this one was.
This is the pan butt against edge where it would be tacked in place.

Next pics is the right end and you can see how far pan would need to be bent to fit flush.

Left end. Notice the top 90* bend at the top which would not allow end to be bent to meet body.

I just wanted to post this in case anyone got a pan in and decide to wait awhile before install. I'd go ahead and check it out to make sure it has the proper curve to fit end to end.

I'll have this rollpan for sale after the other one arrives. All anyone would need to do is cut the top 90* bend off and this would allow enough flex to fit body curve and ends. The 90 added no strength to the pan as you can see from the first pic. After you cut the 90 off you'd tack the top edge instead of the back edge of 90.

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:32 am
by Smiliesafari
That pan really is off. How could it be that far off and no one at the factory not know. I'm glad everyone at FBI is working with you. \:D/

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:39 am
by Rebel
Don't know Skip. You can see the cuts and welds in the first pic. As you know,,these V cuts give it the curve needed to fit body curve but V cuts on this one were just not wide enough.
I'm of course going to let them send another pan but I'll bet when the fat lady sings I'll be cutting the top 90* bend off. We'll see.

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:06 pm
by Rebel
Well the new pan finally arrived yesterday, haven't had a chance to check it out as far as fit yet but the lasor cuts for the LED's are perfect and they cut the relief pie shapes across the top of the 90* bend and didn't weld them up. By not welding them ,this will allow the pan to be curved to fit rear body line alot better.
Will post some pics of the install if I ever finish the house and the "honeydos" ](*,)

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:20 pm
by Smiliesafari
Finish the house? Honey-do list? Completing these tasks takes at least two lifetimes. And maybe not even then. ](*,) :muhaha:

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:46 pm
by Mat Mobile
Rebel wrote:Well the new pan finally arrived yesterday, haven't had a chance to check it out as far as fit yet but the lasor cuts for the LED's are perfect and they cut the relief pie shapes across the top of the 90* bend and didn't weld them up. By not welding them ,this will allow the pan to be curved to fit rear body line alot better.
Will post some pics of the install if I ever finish the house and the "honeydos" ](*,)
Larry's getting involved in the design process of custom parts...

Seriously, that's great that they listened, took a look at your pictures and actually did improve their product. Not many companies do that. Not like a specific company I have in mind which I shall not name....

Ok, I'll name them: BELL TECH! Their customer service SUCKS! Can I say that?

Good luck on the roll pan Larry!

P.S. I have a special delivery all the way from Canada for you!

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:51 am
by Rebel
Finish the house? Honey-do list? Completing these tasks takes at least two lifetimes. And maybe not even then.
:muhaha: You know what I'm talking about Skip. Don't think you can convince me you don't have a list. This is Larry you're talking to budro. :yawinkle:

Matt, you know the mail doesn't run from Canada this far south. Now what have you got going on ? Oh I know,,the composite springs didn't last as long as you thought they should, you're sending them back and want a refund. :muhaha:

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:17 pm
by Mat Mobile
Rebel wrote:Matt, you know the mail doesn't run from Canada this far south. Now what have you got going on ? Oh I know,,the composite springs didn't last as long as you thought they should, you're sending them back and want a refund. :muhaha:
Actually, they're working fine but I'm not crazy about the colour... I would like a refund. But I'm not sending them back! :muhaha:

Re: Rollpan Install ??

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:42 am
by Rebel
:muhaha: Matt,,sorry bud but Henry Ford said it best. You get black and that's it. \:D/