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Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:58 pm
by Moreforles
if you need ideas, pm others on the site, great gags are hilarious, been a party to a few of them........ helped a couple friends move another friends Hugo, he found it parked on the side walk or in front yard on quite a few occasions.... on another we used dry ice and container of water under his new car to make him think his car was on fire

some of the same friends got me in high school, on more than one occasion.

my 1967 cougar, didn't have a locking steering wheel or gear shift (ignition was in the dash).... they used a coat hanger to pop my door locks and then push my car to another location in the parking lot while I was in class..... never knew where it might be when I left....I got them a couple times with party poppers attached to either the break peddle or steering wheel. We havn't picked on each other in over ten/fifteen years, sort of gave it up like drinking and smoking...... Havn't heard from one in a few years... might be time to find him and get it started again, for old times sake. :peep:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:20 am
by peter
Why don't you keep your suggestions to yourself. I'm a "Dead man walkin' " as it is, I don't need you walking in and speeding up the process :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:58 am
by TheChopFather
Shame shame. you better have the pres of your fan club move in with ya and promote him to bodygaurd (he might really like that)

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:05 am
by dunedog
Nah, the way I look at it ,Darren screwed himself by letting this "Freudian message" slip to Peter in the first place.

Kinda like coming clean or out of the closet :bounce:
:cheers: Congradulations Darren for coming out! :heart: :muhaha:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:42 am
by dumb lady
You know...
Except for PM'ing the little imp :smurf: & telling him he's gonna rot in hell, I have been keeping quiet through this whole thing...
But beings that I'm piss-drunk now, I felt the urge to come out. :partyman:

There are two pet peeves I have.
1.) The sharing of *private* emails with others.
2.) The scum-sucking backstabbers who do it.

Beings that Petey stabs right into the face, #2 doesn't apply to him. :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha:

That being said.... Here is tonight's recommended reading for everyone in this thread:

Oh.... And Peter? Please STOP sending me those naked pix of yourself.... Please? Me & Mr D/L can't take it anymore. It hurts already...
We're completely exhausted from laughing!!

Ok, there you have it.
I'm going in the pool now... Later, peeps.

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:02 am
by GEJ
TheChopFather wrote:Shame shame. you better have the pres of your fan club move in with ya and promote him to bodygaurd (he might really like that)

Chops buddy-The Pres does the hiring Not the work.

After seeing old Peter at NECO 08,I would think considering his continuing wt gain,he would need two body guards.The avatar wet suit is just a projection of what he is really going to look like for NECO 09. :poke: :poke: :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:50 am
by sandfly
Poor Poor Pety---Dumb Ass--
0045r-sm.jpg (17.4 KiB) Viewed 3265 times

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:59 pm
by peter
Boy, I gotta tell y'all, I really feel bad now. This started out as a simple joke. Like, Darren sent me a copy of the email, ferchrissakes. What was I supposed to do, I couldn't help it. I heard voices in my head, they told me to play my old Black Sabbath records backwards and listen for instructions. How was I to know that I would cause this kinda mayhem... :cry:

I swear guys, I really didn't have any clue that this joke would turn out as it did. If I had to do it again, you can be sure I'd have never been so immature!

Aww, who am I kidding? I'd do it again in a heartbeat! None of it was malicious, it was all in fun. How could anyone not realize that when reading the email. Who the hell has an intervention for a truck fetish? :muhaha:

I do feel bad, however, for having involved Darren's ex in this. I honestly didn't know or think that this was the same Susan which was his gf back a few years ago. And she is an ex anyways, nothing to impress here. However, if I had to do it again...

Aww, who am I kidding...... :dunce:

PS: I stand before the ASV committee humble & emotionally naked, my skidmark-stained Haynes underwear down around my ankles. I throw myself at the feet of the court, asking that they cast not too harsh a judgement for ole Petey. [-o< :prayer:

Awwwww, who am I kidding :yawinkle:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:00 pm
by GEJ
Well there ant nothing to be gained by hanging a smurf.Hell they are already blue.

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:43 am
by sandfly
yea but when you hang em they make great targets for a dart game.. :partyman: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:19 pm
by mdmead
peter wrote: I stand before the ASV committee humble & emotionally naked, my skidmark-stained Haynes underwear down around my ankles.
How is this any different than normal?!?! :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:16 am
by potskie
In an ASV first I stand in defense of the frenchie.

Any one who CCs an email like that to peter is insane. What else was to be expected here. It's like letting a retard loose with a shot gun. Bad things will happen indefinitely.

I do not condone this sort of behavior in any way. But a tad bit of foresight was probably needed to prevent any issues.

HILARIOUS THO!!!!!! that's for darn sure!

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:57 am
by astrozam
I seriously DOUBT darren cc'd this to peter on purpose,he probably has a group list for sending out jokes and what-not and accidently put this email in it...

We will take note however of your ( 1st and only,so far ) attempt to stick-up for the frenchie,despite the incredible "wrongness" of it. :rolleyes:

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:33 am
by SoCalli V8
astrozam wrote:I seriously DOUBT darren cc'd this to peter on purpose,he probably has a group list for sending out jokes
That is exactly what happend he was on my friends list, I must go into my address book and fix that.

Re: Now this one's a hoot

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:44 pm
by GEJ
potskie wrote:In an ASV first I stand in defense of the frenchie.

Any one who CCs an email like that to peter is insane. What else was to be expected here. It's like letting a retard loose with a shot gun. Bad things will happen indefinitely.

I do not condone this sort of behavior in any way. But a tad bit of foresight was probably needed to prevent any issues.

HILARIOUS THO!!!!!! that's for darn sure!

Frenchie????????????.Your nuts.He's Greek. #-o #-o :poke: