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Re: Man I love Karma!

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:20 pm
by justice
does anybody else but me see the irony in a shotgun with a laser sight? :usa: :usa: :guitar:

Re: Man I love Karma!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:42 am
by Cobra
lol the laser is to say "yes I AM pointing my boomstick at you"

Re: Man I love Karma!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:56 am
by Rebel
does anybody else but me see the irony in a shotgun with a laser sight?
With the stock removed, you almost have to shoot from the waist to keep recoil from jamming your wrist and shooting slugs,,I'm a little more confortable seeing where that dot is. Know what I mean ?
Peter,,,so far laser is holding up to the recoil...wonder how long that'll be ?

Re: Man I love Karma!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:20 am
by chesehd
peter wrote:I don't think guns are a solution to crime, Larry.
I'm not sure I'd call them the answer to crime either.

But...I do believe they make a good answer to home security!

I keep a 20 ga security system loaded in the closet for an emergency such as that.

It makes a very distinct series of clicks as it is being pumped. If you're dumb enough to stick around after hearing that then I believe you deserve to get your body cavity forcibly ventilated.

Just my opinion.

Re: Man I love Karma!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:57 am
by Cobra
I second that opinion

Re: Man I love Karma!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 8:18 pm
by robertg
i agree with larry.

but i have two miniature collies who have attitude problems....

if they don't know you, you're gonna have fun getting into my house.

and if you do get in....... i've got a 12 gauge pump shotgun, a shovel, and 6 acres. :muhaha: