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Re: Van of the month - nominations wanted

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:17 am
by 1Gary
Astroken wrote:what the heck... i'll throw my van in the ring. lol

she has a 4.3, auto, tilt,. cruise,
4, 6-way capt. chairs, just added a bed in back.
I'll vote for this sweet looking high top van.

Re: Van of the month - nominations wanted

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:02 pm
by safari kev
^I'll vote for kens sweet van too.

Re: Van of the month - nominations wanted

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:33 pm
by crazyvanman
justice wrote:I think I would like to do a "Van of the Month" feature for the front page of the site (which is going to get a redesign in the near future).

I would like some nominations for vans to be featured. If I don't get any, i'll start with my beatup old 87 shorty, and we don't want that. #-o

The VOM feature will not be just for customized vans but daily drivers as well, lets have a good mix.

Just an FYI, If your van is picked to be featured, I will need a good set of high res pictures and you will need to do the write up. I will edit as needed and post the article on the front page. When a new VOM is posted the previous VOM will be moved to the archives.

I'm looking to start this with the first VOM on March 1.

Ready, set GO!
Sir; Being a newbie i do not know how the chain of command on input works here. And not know'n i'm afeert ta say. But sure would be nice if all nominations were accompanied with a photo of said van; jes so's us newbies could see what y'alls talk'n bout. Not that i would presume to have any say in the matter. Sir. :peep:

Re: Van of the month - nominations wanted

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:47 am
by George1571
It may be possible that you can give me the measurement of the thickness of the coil overland 3".
I have several coil to compare and choose the most similar to lift my 88 astro.
This photo is a CC650 moog for 2500/3500 van. (.90 thick), the 1500 moog coil is (.87)


Puerto Rico