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Fuel Pump no Pressure----- GAWD-super lost

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:13 pm
by rpmnava
Hi Everyone,
I AM STUMPED.....Van was running fine... parked it overnight and wont start.

First thing I did was listen for FP to prime ( 2 seconds ) and nope! after that swapped relay and Nope!

Knew it was time for new fuel pump. Here's where I get lost. Went to local parts store and picked up the only anyone had in stock
(MasterPro MPA30043) O'reilly brand. Dropped the tank, installed as usual and noted this new pump requires minor rewire for supplied plug (see pic).

Rewired as specified and did a power test prior to reinstalling the tank... got my 2 second prime, figured all was good and reinstalled the tank. I went ahead and replaced the inline fuel filter just because and tried to start.... no go. Below is what I did after that:

1. 5 prime cycles (keys off and on).... no start.
2. Starter fluid to check spark and motor started for 10 seconds. (good spark)tarted
3. Removed dog house and checked for pressure at schrader valve (NO Pressure).
4. Checked for fuel at inline fuel filter (dry).
5. Removed gas tank again to check electrical connections and for correct wiring per spec (see pic)
6. started the whole mess all over again and still no pressure.
7. Replaced oil pressure sending unit just in case.
8. I spliced into the pump power wire direct to battery, ran it for 60 seconds... no pressure and filter still dry.

I did crack the return line and it was wet.
Is it possible for the motor to run backwards?
Is it possible to swap the return and fuel hoses?
Could the evap hose at top of fuel pump be suspect?

Hopefully the pic goes thru:
Existing fuel pump wiring:
Purple/white stripe
Black/white stripe

New plug color code:

Side Note;
when I tested the existing fuel pump wiring I found:
Black and Black/white stripe had continuity to chassis ground
Grey was the 2 second prime signal
Purple/white stripe - unknown.

Van Specs:
2003 GMC Safari
159K Miles

Re: Fuel Pump no Pressure----- GAWD-super lost

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:33 pm
by rpmnava

My issue was the wiring to the new connector... the diagrams in the pics (6 of them) were all incorrect. They had the grey and orange/black switched.

Up and running.... grateful for this forum.

Re: Fuel Pump no Pressure----- GAWD-super lost

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:58 am
by okie1
Thanks for the follow-up, this will help others & glad you solved the problem. :supz:

Re: Fuel Pump no Pressure----- GAWD-super lost

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:46 am
by Captn. Crunch
rpmnava wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:33 pm *****Update******

My issue was the wiring to the new connector... the diagrams in the pics (6 of them) were all incorrect. They had the grey and orange/black switched.

Up and running.... grateful for this forum.
Wow that would burn my biscuits!! Bad enough doing that job once but having to do it more than once due to poor directions is rough.
Glad you got it

Re: Fuel Pump no Pressure----- GAWD-super lost

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:38 pm
by Astrophysics

Thank you for the excellent research. My 2003 AWD Astro has 130,000 miles on what is probably the original fuel pump. Maybe I should store away a spare for future use.