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93 Astro AWD not working.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:03 am
by astroglide
Hi Everyone,
Just found this site and learned more about how the AWD works in the last 1 1/2 hours on these forums than I have been able find anywhere else in the last two weeks! I bought this 93 AWD EXT over the summer with 139,000 miles.I pulled the rear interior and made it into a cargo van.This is the first one I have owned and really love it. Of course it needed some work when I bought it from a co worker who does not like to service or take care of anything.The problem is the front wheels are not pulling. (Found this out stuck in snow in my driveway) :D When I changed the transfer case fluid it smelled a little burnt. I have jacked up one side of the van, have it in gear, idling and can get the front wheel to spin if I help to get it going with my hand but can grab it,stop it and turn it backwards while the rear is still spinning.( I can feel a little resistance when I do this but not much) I have watched the front driveshaft and that turns whatever direction I spin the front wheel. I have read a lot on here about the viscous coupling going bad and locking up but have not found anything about it slipping. Any suggestions?

Re: 93 Astro AWD not working.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:02 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
If the front drive shaft turns freely the transfer case is trashed. I have seen this happen to one other BW4472. It was sandfly Bob's and he was a little stuck! LOL With the tranny in park and the front tires off the ground, the front drive shaft should not turn any more than a very small amount. Time for a new/used one or a 2 speed t-case swap.



Re: 93 Astro AWD not working.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:15 pm
by astrozam
LOL, great pic of Bob's van