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Trying to press on....
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:29 pm
by 91AWDAstro
I just want to appologize for some of my post replies if they seem a little off key. As some of you now been dealing with a divorce. It has been really stressing me out lately. If I make it out of this will all my hair and it's not turned grey I'll be lucky. Worse is she lost her job a few weeks back. We have an appontiment with friend of the court next month to determine child support. I hope she's working again by the time that comes. Ive have this bad feeling I'm going to get screwed. From what I understand it's a real pain in the A$$ to make changes once they've established what you are to pay.
Re: Trying to press on....
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:39 pm
by Rebel
Hang in there my man. It does get better but only after the stage coming up and then the dust settles and you can then see what's what in your life. Kids are first, no matter what.
Yes, we all need to pray she goes to work soon. Alabama has a formula for calculating child support and uses both incomes. Not sure how it works where you are.
I will tell you this,,if you go to court,,make sure you have both barrels loaded with information against her,,you can bet her's will be. You can develope whatever relationship there may be after court is complete but for now,,don't hold back trying to be a nice guy. Not sure how old your kids are but please be sure that neither of you use them as leverage for anything and you must work together to raise them or the kids will pay in the long run.
I swore I'd never get in this convesation again but have been where you are and have to share how important the kids are no matter what your relationship with your x may be down the road.'
Good luck and it will get better.
Re: Trying to press on....
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:50 pm
by GEJ
Lawyer,Lawyer,Lawyer.If you go on your own Chris,your setting yourself up for a fall that will take yrs to properly take care of your kids and of you.
You might feel badly about the spit-up,but a normal tactic is to make you feel worse so you are unprepaired for the coming decisions your going to face,
You have helped me out in so many ways,I want to help you back.
Re: Trying to press on....
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:01 pm
by 91AWDAstro
Hey thanks for the fast response guys. It means a lot really. I've just been feelling really stressed big time. As far as the lawyer goes, I have that covered. I'm supposed to meet with him next week again.
It's just hard, I just want to get through this and get it over with. It's hard because some times I just feel like saying take it all just leave me alone and give me my time with my kids.
Trust me, the one thing I've been drilling in my kids is that this is not their fault. I'll make it, just trying to feel better about it that's the reason for the post. I can't remember ever in my life feeling this stressed out. I've even considered going to the doctor. I've been getting small anxioty attacts lately. Normally my blood pressure is low and my heart rate is slower than most people. I bet lately I could score with the worst of them.
Re: Trying to press on....
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:00 pm
by dunedog
Definitely get in touch with your doctor and let them know what is going on........
you are going through the equivalent of heart attack!
Re: Trying to press on....
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:35 am
by Hotroder383
I went through the same thing a few years ago, GET A LAWYER!! I cant say that enough, I did not and am still getin hosed over the deal as I cant afford to get one now.
And you have to keep an eye on your kids, no matter how much you tell them it still hurts a whole lot, and as much as I hate to say it they may even want to see a consouler, mine went to one from school for a year or so, worked wonders. Good Luck man.