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Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:32 am
by Rebel
Just couldn't resist this. While looking around for a couple of painted bathroom sinks I found the perfect Smurf Toilet. It also looks as if it might match very nicely in the tramper. :whistle: ... m153.l1262

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:05 am
by HPbyStan
OMG !!!!

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:48 am
by Cobra
that's messed up

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:49 am
by thevalleyboy
I think that toilets for moral support for when you say Sun Shines out of my "butt" - look I can make sunflowers grow.... either that or for "doesn't stink - smells like "sunflowers"

Imagine taking a dump on that thing....

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:04 pm
by Rebel
Isn't that the worst you've ever seen. Talk about loud. I asked the guy if that was painted on before or after it was fired and he said before,,so lots of work to make a piece of crapper. Thomas Crapper would be proud. (He invented modern day toilet)
My wife wants a couple of the bathroom sinks which I can handle, but the crapper ain't gonna happen. :muhaha:

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:26 pm
by Rebel
I'm having a hard time with these. Why would anyone have one of these. Check this out with matching accessories. ... T.m240.lVI

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:04 pm
by Cobra
i think that went way past going to far.....

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:53 am
by peter
Rebel wrote:Just couldn't resist this :whistle: . .....

And I say that you should have tried extra hard to resist.

"Temptation be dee right hand of dee devil, dontcha know" he said in his finest jamaican accent... [-X

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:55 am
by dunedog
Rebel,...get back to work on the house !!!!!! :toimonster:

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:44 am
by 91AWDAstro
At least it's not a picture of a smurf looking up at your back side while you squat. :yikes:

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:46 am
by Rebel
Rebel,...get back to work on the house !!!!!!

She's got me wide open. Get off at 5pm, at the house at 5:15 and out Friday night at 12pm, Sat. 10 am to 1am Sun and out 10 and 11pm Mon. and Tuesday. The van just sits and hangs it's head and feels so alone and I'm tired. :rolleyes:

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:47 pm
by potskie
I'd buy one just so I could I was going to fertilize the flowers!

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 8:35 am
by astrosafari
"i crapped on a sunflower today! :)"
Rebel wrote:I'm having a hard time with these. Why would anyone have one of these. Check this out with matching accessories. ... T.m240.lVI
thats a sweet lookin toilet... just imagine, all white regular boring bathroom, and then a wicked colourfull toilet... i wouldnt mind that toilet...
have some guests over... hey man sweet toilet! lmao.
but the sunflowers is too much. odd colours and shapes is good enough for me

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:10 am
by Jersey John
Just imagine a few :cheers: :drinkers: :partyman: , then :muhaha:

Re: Peter Toilet

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 10:13 am
by SoCalli V8
What a concept...... You can take a dump while playing with "Google Earth"......