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Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:25 am
by ScottS
check this out- SBC onversion ( no engine) only $500 ... ller..html

Re: Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:44 am
by peter
THAT van was doing 12.60's? Really.....?

I have trouble believing it, not to mention the fact that my ego isn't thrilled with the idea. :cry:

But regardless, what are you buying for $500? A relatively stock van with no engine. It's got a stock rear end/tranny. I dunno, I just don't see the advantage :-k

Re: Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:01 pm
by kings-x59
If the tires are in good shape, the wheels are worth 500 bucks

Re: Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:46 am
by Moreforles
its a month since the last hit on this thread.....did anyone pay the $500 and recycle instead of scrap the van...................

according to my wife, I'm not allowed to purchase any more vehicles for a while (at least untill I get some home repairs done or at least started.... not to mention astro and rv repairs....

looking for people in or around Cleveland ohio with astro/safari's to keep me motivated or even lend a hand or sugjestion from time to time.....

unfortunately I've got one major flaw...... (dont drink, dont smoke, dont chase skirts... rarely get to or manage to go fishing or prospecting)

I just work...and work and work... and for eveything else..... I convince myself that tomorrow or next week is a better time to do it... and somehow...(surprise) nothing seems to get done....

I like seeing the projects others are working on or better yet, have actually finished, It motivates me... (even if its only for a few minutes)

Re: Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:20 pm
by ScottS
You cudl always come out to the east side and help me rebuild my 98 - would be free education !
Let me know if you are interested, we don't drink either , so no need to worry about that !

Re: Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:47 pm
by SCPerf
You Cleveland guys could drive the three hours to Sidney and hang out in my garage. :D We went start to finish with my friends Astro in eleven days. we thought. Now it slips in reverse! ](*,) I think a gasket was messed up when the shift kit was instaled.

As far as the Racingjunk Astro..........If it were closer I would have owned it. I think it's about five hours from me.

Re: Found an interesting van- cheeep

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:04 pm
by Mr_Roboto
peter wrote:THAT van was doing 12.60's? Really.....?

I have trouble believing it, not to mention the fact that my ego isn't thrilled with the idea. :cry:

But regardless, what are you buying for $500? A relatively stock van with no engine. It's got a stock rear end/tranny. I dunno, I just don't see the advantage :-k
If he has real tires on it, and with 406 CID and some real heads? sure it could run 12.30s fairly easily IMO, especially if he had the bottle on it and wasn't afraid of putting a big cam in. With it being a shorty and an RWD it's one of the lighter vans if the options aren't whole hog. Chances are it's got a C-notch, absolutely has a flip kit as well as a custom done hood and a roll pan. If the work's done right the parts there should easily be $500 not to mention the wheels/tires.