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stolen van
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:38 pm
by Moreforles
found out a few hours ago that someone stole my wife's 98 grand caravan. She parked around the corner from my house last night around 10:30 and around 3:30 this afternoon she called me to ask where her van was.....
I could say "it's supposed to be were you parked it last night, I didn't drive it today....
I hope the thief drives into the back of a police car, otherwise we have to wait for at least 3 more days for the plates to expire, and maybe it gets noticed and towed....
the oil warning has been dinging for over 9 months and check engine light is on, and unfortunately, I just filled it up with gas the day before......... sometimes the gauges don't work, none of them.... so hopefully they don't know it has a full tank, and cant tell how fast their going and get pulled over....... it won't be found unless they park in a "police parking only" spot, I would say handicap spot - but placard for that is over the visor, someone notices expired plate and does more than ticket it, they hit a police car or get a dUI or get in and accident.....
CLEVELAND SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to move.... either to Cambridge ohio area or any were else that isn't Cleveland
Just in case..... 98 dark green Grand Caravan, 3 aluminun rims , right rear, black steel rim... rusty on driverside rear door at the bottom, bumpers are the same color as body (most seem to be dark gray) dark tinted windows, luggage rack on top..... Temp tags on rear.... expires 7/25
Re: stolen van
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:59 pm
by WVKayaker

Re: stolen van
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:55 pm
by ihatemybike
Dude, that sucks....
Re: stolen van
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:53 pm
by kings-x59
that bites. the old joke about Cleveland is "first prize is a one week all expenses paid trip to Cleveland, second prize it two weeks in Cleveland." I'm not really diss'ing Cleveland, you could certainly substitute Houston in the joke.
Re: stolen van
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:43 am
by TheChopFather
Moreforles wrote:
CLEVELAND SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to move.... either to Cambridge ohio area or any were else that isn't Cleveland
what ya think they dont steal cars in cambridge?

My Ex-wifes two nephews live there and they are the two biggest theives I know so when ya do move make sure you chain everything down.
Sorry to here about the caravan but thats a sign to get your wife a nice reliable safe Astro/Safari. :-k
Re: stolen van
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:28 pm
by Moreforles
cleveland does suck, so no comments saying anything bad about it would surprise or offend me...... been here all my life, thought it sucked for at least half that time.....
They might steal things in Cambridge, but I've been there quite a few times, there aren't as many low life's walking the streets all hours of the day and nights, like there are here.
I can't even keep track of how many times I've been in the driveway working on a vehicle or doing yard work and someone walk up asking for some change for bus fair or a ride, the police just released them and they have to get back to where they live or want to go.
I think they should start a new policy... if someone is arrested on West 65 and Madison, then when they're released them, take them back to where they came from.... why should other residents around the police station have to put up with begging low life's, and crackheads walking the streets. I have a camera set up to keep an eye of driveway and in front of house, and it's really surprising how much traffic there is (as far as people just walking the streets at night) crack heads, drunks, homeless... non stop some nights, yelling at people or imaginary people, screaming into sell phones or snooping through my garbage cans for ???
I've caught people walking up my driveway at night, switched on porch light, and watched then take off, had kids sitting on the ramp in my front yard for my sons wheel chair, go down and chase them off (I was going to turn on the sprinklers....) later that same night I see someone in the front yard, crawling around behind my fence, I go out thinking its one of the kids again, and its one of my neighbors, stoned out of her head, crying and screaming in spanish, then she collapses or acts like she's unconscious, when the police and ambulance show up, one of them talks to her in spanish, she turns her head talks to him, then unconscious again.... they eventually take her away, a week later, 5 am, I here someone crying and screaming, her again..... police eventually show up (the police station is one block away, I could probably throw a rock and if it bounced right, I could hit the building....) they escort her back home.... her kids and grand kids are always behind my house on there porch screaming, laughing, partying till after midnight, I've caught the kid in my driveway, crawling in the window of there house (he got locked out) and another time, he didn't know I was in the driveway and was about to climb over my 94 astro to climb in the window again. he almost fell between the house and the astro when he saw me there working on my van... asked if he could climb in the window again.... I told him know.... if your parents locked you out, they must have wanted you out... he tells me he lives there, I tell him I guess you should have a key then.... and keep working.... he bangs on the door a couple times and they unlock it and let him in.....
It's never ending.... drug busts arrests across the street, twice since spring time, two different houses..... I hate it here........
The only thing that's keeping me here is my wife's parents live close by, and she doesn't want to move too far from them and my house needs some repairs before I can sell or rent it....... Starting on the kitchen in the next couple weeks.... ripping out cabinets, replacing floor and putting in new cabinets and counter top, painting and tiling around counter painting the rest of the room. I have to evict some raccoons and replace a board and gutter, replace some drywall and a couple cracked windows
then its for sale, and if it doesn't sell quick enough, its for rent, let some one else pay the mortgage, while I live some where nicer.....
as far as the van goes, should show up in a few days if its going to.... either someone needed it for joy ride or parts for another vehicle and once they've took the parts they want, the rest should be abandoned some where, where it might be spotted. Like I said, the police will find it, if they rearends a squad car or they find it and ticket it for expired plates or illegal parking...
then of course I'll get the towing and storage charges, plus any tickets on it.... if they can make some money of it, it will be found.....
Re: stolen van
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:44 pm
by Moreforles
a body of mine said he'll hook op a kill switch and fuel shut off on my safari, just to be on the safe side......
and I would like to find a Safari or astro for my wife.... it would be nice to have a nice set.... maybe even paint them all the same color.... (or photo copy plates and only pay for one each year...... naw, maybe, naw)
at least most parts would be interchangeable and lifetime warrantied parts can be used for all... my Safari, hers, and the Someday To Be Campervan
Re: stolen van
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:17 pm
by snapple
Moreforles wrote:a body of mine said he'll hook op a kill switch and fuel shut off on my safari, just to be on the safe side......
and I would like to find a Safari or astro for my wife.... it would be nice to have a nice set.... maybe even paint them all the same color.... (or photo copy plates and only pay for one each year...... naw, maybe, naw)
at least most parts would be interchangeable and lifetime warrantied parts can be used for all... my Safari, hers, and the Someday To Be Campervan
Sucks about your caravan man!Any news?
I sent you a private message about your seats your looking to sell.I need some pics to know if I'm seriously interested or not.If your serious about selling get back with me,and I'll send you my email address.
Thanks, Bill
Re: stolen van
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:56 pm
by Southern
I wish you luck with your stolen van.
As far as the unwanted people in your yard I find that a German Shepard works very well.
Re: stolen van
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:05 pm
by Moreforles
My wife called the police dept, to see if they had any luck, locating the van... and was informed that it was recovered on the 24th.... nice of them to call and let us know... but of course they will want towing ($50) and storage... with I plan on refusing to pay past the 25th, since they didn't notify us of its recovery... and the impound lot closed at noon today... to late to get it... (another 2 days storage... what a surprise) [-X
Don't know what condition its in other than ignition has been popped... hopefully they didn't over ref the engine or screw up the transmission.
found on the East side of Cleveland, on or near Imperial Ave.
4th district, Crackhead central, although not much better around hear anymore....
My brother is a Cleveland Policeman, so When we get it back, I'm going to see if I can get his help, finger printing it and running the prints.... most likely wont help, but what could it hurt...
Re: stolen van
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:30 pm
by Moreforles
well its almost home...... minus $160 (towing, impound fees and 2 unpaid parking tickets..... got to get their money at my expence... try to catch car theifs....not their problem... they're there to make money or get publicity, serve and protect (

) no point in arguing...
when we got to the impound lot.... brought extra battery and screw driver (key) only visible damage, was ignition and broken headlight along with some white paint on passenger fender by broken headlight.
changed battery (original, only 3 months old.... dead, but might recharge....) used (new key) started up, still nearly 3/4 of gas there... engine sounded ok, but when I put it in gear... nothing.... reved eng, and heard and felt clunking sound, still no movement....
called L & S Towing, and waited fifteen minutes or so for him to arrive.... he hooked it on his flat bed and as he pulled it on, got to look under it... trans is still there, but drivers side axle is broken..... pulled the battery out and putting it on charge tomorrow (had enough for one day....) finally got to go to work and make some money around 3 pm. finished around 7
I can't even think of how they could break an axle on front wheel drive vehicle without tearing up the rest of the van... curb jumping, reverse drops..? rims looked fine so other than slamming it into park while driving or trying to do burn outs... any ideas on what they did?
parked it at my wifes church until we can decide what to do with it.... 98 with decent body, but service eng light has been on for nearly 9 months, and oil light and bell, off and on for the same time.... according to the code... main computer is not communicating with other components....? but runs fine.... except the oil warning bell and occasionally the gauges, fail to work.... whole dash - flat lines..... I dont know how many times I glanced at the gas gauge and thought it was empty and started putting gas in to realize, that it wasn't that low.
Just the gauges ()*^ing with me again. but its not like the gas wasn't going to get used anyway (until now)
talking with L & S about trading for a 91 grand caravan, thats a little rusty, but runs, has nearly power everything (not the seats) although needs a good interior cleaning and headliner restuck...
at least she have something to drive, until we find something better (astro or safari) and with out additional out of pocket... the 91 was owned by a lady in her 80's, making clunking sound, and her license was taken away... (possibly legally blind?) after checking it out, we found the noise, water pump and partially broken fan belt..... he change both and later that night, my wifes van was stolen....
I say deal, but my wifes not sure... she would rather have a newer van.... but doesn't want any payments.... so unless she hits the lotto or we stumble on something nice in the next couple days... 91 will do for a little while....
Re: stolen van
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:31 pm
by kings-x59
Southern wrote:I wish you luck with your stolen van.
As far as the unwanted people in your yard I find that a German Shepard works very well.
yeah I was thinking Doberman, my brother's dobe named adolph chased an HPD undercover cop out of his backyard one night. They were jumping fences and working their way through backyards to bust a crack house. The cop jumped the fence and at that moment, my brother's girlfriend opened the back door and saw somebody. Adolph shot out the back door like a bullet. He bounced once and back over the fence. I have a blue heeler, 1 1/2" long canines, very territorial, and from personal experience, by accident mind you, it hurts like a mother when he bites you.
Re: stolen van
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:32 pm
by Moreforles
thanks..... unfortunately, we're taking a break from dogs for a while.... got a few IN the back yard already, and unfortunately the van was stolen from the street, not the driveway.... Caravan is loaded on the Larry's flatbed, headed for the scrapyard on Monday.
I emptied the last of our belongings out of it. took the back off one of the bucket seats, (shelf possibilities for my Safari's back door) clips for visors... headlight bulbs for a buddy with caravan...(he couldn't think of anything else he might need....)
picked up the replacement vehicle... just have to flip the tittle and pick up plates....