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Where I've been...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:43 pm
I said I would always be around, but with three different vehicles other than an astro, hard to keep up with all the boards I'm on plus family activities, and all my honey do list stuff, I still lurk though.
Went on a cruise in April, then I spent most of the summer getting ready for local fair or at rabbit shows or working in yard. Then late summer/fall showed up and son in soccer, daughter doing cheerleading, we were either at soccer game, FB game, or more rabbit shows. Glad most of that is about over, but now it's dark and cold by the time I get home ](*,)
Well, I made it through the high gas prices driving the Tahoe @ 12mpg, bought the wife a 2005 Jeep Liberty ( I'd rather kept her blazer), and I FINALLY got my '98 firebird motor swap done after 4 yrs and it is my DD now, hopefully it will get repainted in spring. Also practiced some welding as I built my son a new "wagon" for the yard, we mainly use it to transport rabbit carriers at the shows. No pic, but it has the mesh bed and suspension has coil springs under, looks pretty cool. He wants to paint it JD green/yellow this winter.



Motor swap......


New WS6 TA wheels/tires.....

Picked this up too, but needs motor work, paint, new seat, and smokes like a freight train, Suzuki Lt250


Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:46 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
Welcome back Marty. I was wondering where you had disappeared to. Sounds like you guys are as busy as we are! :D

Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:24 pm
by Rebel
Hey,,welcome back Marty. Good to see you're still kicking around the board.

Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:35 pm
by GEJ
Hey Marty.Good to see you around.This was how "that" van ended up:


Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:06 pm
by kings-x59
Blazer you have been one busy dude. Enjoy the kids while you can.
We've spent the high school years running to FB games, band concerts, UIL competitions, indoor drumline competitions. My oldest is off to college now, my middle child is a senior. pretty soon I won't know what to do with myself (not). :muhaha:
Welcome back!

Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:11 am
by peter
Hiya Marty. Nice to hear from you again. I see you've been busy. Git 'er dun!!!!!!!!! :smurf:

Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:31 am
Thanks, hopefully I will try to visit more often.
Gary...short vacation for ya, I knew you couldn't hold out very long #-o I'm about ready to do that to that red van I have even though it has a too nice of body. Going to pull wheels and sell body as is for scrap pice to get it out of my sight 8-[

Oh, and still fixing things from the hurricane that rolled thourgh in Sept. We had almost 80 mph winds, took off some of my roof, privacy fence down, and literally blew a support post of my porch off and through our front window. I still have yet to get a roofing company out to give me estimates they are so busy. I can fix it myself, but if I have enough damage for a new roof...good ole State Farm be puttin me a new roof on for only $250 out of my pocket!!!

Re: Where I've been...

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:56 am
by GEJ
Hey Marty,
As far as the roof is concerned,I know Lowes as a program for insurance claims like yours where they invoice the insurance co directly thru the comercial sales desk.It is different in every area,but many of the areas have installers for roof repairs too.Might want to give them a call to check it out.