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Are There any Mensa members amongst us??.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:06 am
by GEJ
Given what I have read over the yrs I would think so. :-k

Some of the people who I think would be likely are:Pots,Mr_Roboto,Peter,Bubba,Lockdoc,Fire Cakes,Blazer.

Kind of me just being curious again.

Re: Are There any Mensa members amongst us??.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:51 am
by potskie
Well Gary I did take their prep exam a few years ago and was close but I never bothered to go through the whole long winded membership exam and such. I've never really considered a "score" to be proof of intelligence, Not to mention A lot of an IQ test is based on math and memory function but some people don't have a math mind yet are smart as all get out.

Re: Are There any Mensa members amongst us??.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:02 am
by ihatemybike
According to Wikipedia, Mensa is a non-profit organization open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardized, supervised intelligence test.

This being the case with the score of the last IQ test I took, I do qualify. But aside from saying, "Look at me. I'm a Mensa member.", I see no point in joining.

Re: Are There any Mensa members amongst us??.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:19 pm
by GEJ
The thing I find interesting is it has people from all walks of life.

Here is a 30 question test just for the fun of it:

Re: Are There any Mensa members amongst us??.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:53 pm
by lockdoc
GEJ wrote:Some of the people who I think would be likely are:Pots,Mr_Roboto,Peter,Bubba,Lockdoc,Fire Cakes,Blazer.
ROTFLMAO!! :muhaha: :muhaha:

Now THAT is some funny stuff! That list is more like the LYSB club. (Little yellow school bus)