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Why would I do that
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:39 am
by Rebel
Very weak moment yesterday. Went out to pic my Mothers car up at a shop outside of town and while paying the guy, I broke down and asked if he had any 350 roller blocks laying around. Of course he said yes I have two. One he didn't know anything about and the other he pulled from a truck that needed rings. He took me over to the motor which was complete. I asked what he wanted for it, hoping he'd say a couple of hundred but no,,had to be a deal at a weak moment,,$60.00 will do it,,,you know the rest of the story. Now what the heck will I do with this ? Ummmmm,,Jimmy has 120,000 miles on it,,who knows ?
Re: Why would I do that
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:53 am
by Smiliesafari
Here at my shop we call that "PAD". Project Acquiring Disease. You're just a glutton, aren't you?
Re: Why would I do that
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:00 am
by peter
You need help, ole timer....
Re: Why would I do that
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:21 am
by Merlin
And you said you were done. Yep "no more" I think is what you said. Yep "Done only paint and nothing else". I can now see a 383 with a roller in it coming to the van. I knew it would happen, just that one more thing. LOL I think that "Never say Never" fits here really well! Whites performance on Ebay has the kit on there right now. "NO MORE" Yeah sure Larry.
Re: Why would I do that
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:13 pm
by kings-x59
peter wrote:You need help, ole timer....
If I only had enough money banked to take a sabbatical from the j.o.b.
I'd head out to the 96 to help just to learn
Re: Why would I do that
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:42 am
by Rebel
Well,,Skip is the only one who has a name for this problem "PAD". Now I need the cure.
Steve,,you can bring yourself east anytime, not sure you'll learn anything but there is work to do,,so bring it on.
Larry, I know I know, just leave me alone while I suffer through the PAD'
Peter, telling me I need help,,you have got to be kidding.