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Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:13 am
by phr1$k37

Hi! :)

I really need to catch up on the ASV family ASAP. Withdrawal symptoms.
I have a quick prayer request:

It just dawned me to ask from here for prayers. Auntie Brenda is Kevin and Krystal's mom (lastname disclosed) - Kevin and Krystal are good friends of mine and their mother is extreme kind and gentle. Auntie was hit by a car in her car around 9PM yesterday night. She was rushed to VGH and entered into surgery a bit after 1AM. As of this morning at 6:15AM she was still in ER. Please pray for her and her condition. Pray for Kevin and Krystal to not lose heart and trust fully in God no matter the outcome. Typing this makes me tear up. Thank you Friends.

Makes me mad that we have so many drivers who cannot drive. The first rainfall of Autumn and all this happens. The morning was greeted with many fender benders, two of my co-workers were rear-ended. I dodged a T-bone (you guys know how lucky I am) and then to receive word that someone we care about is in critical condition.

On a more lively note I am doing well now. My injuries are at a point that I am happy and hoping (minus some pain) and good enough that I finally installed the reverse lights I bought LAST November :O ... .jpg[/img]

Okay I promise to catch up soon!

Re: Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:52 am
by astrozam
I was wondering where you had been Abe, while I'm glad to hear you are feeling better I'm sorry to hear about you're friends mother, I hope she pulls thru and wish the best for the kids its going to be a difficult time for awhile.

Bout time you did the reverse lights, 1st thing I noticed when i did mine was how much easier it was to back-up in the pitch dark ( the oem are just plane sad )

Try to stop around a little more often, o.k :cheers:

Re: Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:26 am
by phr1$k37

Thanks Keith.
I will try - in fact going to do some catch up reading now though I might not reply.

Yes sir! Although my lights are currently point down a lot I can pull them down and point back more. Gosh the flood lights are AMAZING! With the lift and the dark nights with rain we get here I knew I had to install them ... just never had time to go buy them, and then install them. 2 years later they are in hah ha. The lights also serve as rock lights. I can tilt one forward and get a VERY nice spread of light. I should take a photo of this one night :)

I am going to need to hit up the locals for an ASV meet up. I have not seen the team for a while now.

Re: Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:27 pm
by T.Low
Gottem on my prayer list, Abraham.

Re: Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:44 pm
by phr1$k37
T.Low wrote:Gottem on my prayer list, Abraham.

Thanks Tom.

She went through 9 hours surgery this morning and was out of ER after 1000 and into ICU. At 2200 tonight she went in for another surgery original scheduled for the morning but her liver is bleeding and not stopping. Please continue to pray for her.
Thank you.

Re: Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:26 pm
by T.Low
Oh my Gosh!

Re: Dropping in to say hi!

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:29 am
by phr1$k37

She was in critical condition after the 2nd surgery but as of last night she is doing much better now though still being monitored a lot.
Part of the liver is removed. Please pray for recovery.
As for my friends (children of Auntie Brenda) pray for rest.
We are taking shifts making food for the family.

Thank you everyone for reading.