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Wanna buy a house...Real cheap?

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:31 pm
by astrozam
Very interesting article about Detroit... ... -frontier/

Re: Wanna buy a house...Real cheap?

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:36 pm
by Bubbathegimp
I like my cold remedy better (sore throat)

at onset
Fill a glass with 151 or something with similar alcohol content.
take as large a drink as you can force down (think power wash)
and keep drinking until you feel the gunk loosen from your throat as you swallow.
Immediately follow up with Zinc lozenges recommended dose for a few days.

(no you cant go cheap here and lick an old carbon zinc battery)

Re: Wanna buy a house...Real cheap?

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:58 pm
by astrozam
WTF, Too much eggnogg and rum Bubba? LOL

Anyways, I thought it was interesting. Windsor which is across the Detroit river is literally like a different Planet, the contrast is amazing , of all the big American cities I've been to non begin to compare to Detroit ( Buffalo is probably the closest, that I've seen ) hopefully it can turn itself around somehow.

Re: Wanna buy a house...Real cheap?

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:10 pm
by d3athm3talh3ad
all the urbex pics i see of detroit really make me want to visit...all the stories of muggings make me not, seems like most people here have relatives in or are moving from detroit...perhaps one day soon i'll go, if for only a day or two...would love to see it turn around and become the big automotive capital again, but chances of that are less than slim...

Re: Wanna buy a house...Real cheap?

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:41 am
by remark123
I lived in Detroit for 40 years, I finally left because GM and I couldn't see eye to eye... I went back this Thanksgiving to visit my old man and his new wife, first time in 5 years! I must say that it hasn't changed all that much, there are less crack houses now because the crackheads burned more houses down... I am ashamed at how that city has begun to crumble into itself, Obviously the residents do not care or cannot do anything about it. The neighbor hood that my father lives in is still pristine (he lives in Grosse Pointe Farms, if anyone knows where that is), but the prices of the houses there have fallen by about 50%. This upsets the old man, because at 89, he is worried that his house won't be worth anything when he dies and there won't be enough money to distribute to his kids (7 0f us). We have all told him to spend all of his money before he dies so that we won't be able to fight over the scraps that are left, he just chuckles!. I do hope that there is some new life breathed into that city, and maybe so, because they have finally rid themselves of Kwame and his band of thugs, but the corruption that has gone on there for the past 30-40 years is finally catching up to the participants, those that are still alive that is. The feds have gone in with a broom and are currently sweeping out the debris of the last 3 administrations, but it will take time to heal all of the old wounds. I will keep Detroit in my prayers and my thoughts, because it is still dear to me. After all, it is where I am from... :swords: