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how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:43 pm
by kingbee
I'm in the market for another A/S, and I'm remembering how nice it was to work on rust-free vehicles when I lived in southern California. Now I live in the U.P. of Michigan, where cars die well before their time from the Iron Moths. So I'm wondering how far south I'd have to go to find an area that doesn't use road salt. Missouri? Southern Illinois? Kansas? Indiana? I'm sure Kentucky and Oklahoma would be pretty good, but that's a pretty far haul from me. I have family and friends in LA and Orange County, but again, that's too far to go to pick up a vehicle. And AWD vans aren't real common out there. I'm hoping there might be somewhere within 6 or 700 miles of home where I could find a clean van.

So how about it? Where do you guys live, and do they salt the roads there?


Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:27 pm
by JaxSPL
Florida.. hahaha.

What part of the U.P? I spent 2.5 years up in the Standish/Sterling area. Hated every darn minute of it.

I believe all of Michigan uses salt, but, you might find something good around Bay City, Pinconning, Lansing, just to name a few. I wouldn't go to Hale though, I think that's where all the dead vehicles go to be never seen anymore.

Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:38 pm
by kingbee
Ironwood- as far west as you can get and still be in Michigan. Sorry you didn't like it here. I love it, I just don't love what it does to otherwise perfectly good cars :cry:

Florida is just a bit too far. Might's well go to Californistan.


Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:42 pm
by alexalexanders
Missouri, we use road salt, but stuff doesnt rust as bad due to less salt put down. Heres an example, my 94 has no rust and was always parked outside. My 92 i dont think it ever had a bath had no rust. Alot of rust around here means rusted through 2 inches up!

Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:31 am
by CaptSquid
No road salt here in Montana.

Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:35 pm
by rlsllc
CaptSquid wrote:No road salt here in Montana.
That's got me curious, please explain further. I'm thinking it snows there... :-k

Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:45 pm
by kings-x59
They rust down South too, just not as bad. Lot's of sun, rain and humidity.
If you want really rust free try Arizona, New Mexico, Utah or Southern California.

Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:30 am
by Kabey's Van
We in British Columbia don't use salt either, haven't in many years.
It's not a sound environmental choice as it kills almost everything it comes in contact with, gets into the fish steams and contaminates ground water.
The Ministry of Highways has used consolidated calcium for some time now. It makes a mess of your vehicle but it works better than salt.
Having a rust free vehicle is a result of keeping it clean. I will spend as much time cleaning the underside of my vehicle as I do the shiny side.

Re: how far south to find a rust-free van?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:05 pm
by CaptSquid
rlsllc wrote:
CaptSquid wrote:No road salt here in Montana.
That's got me curious, please explain further. I'm thinking it snows there... :-k
Yes, Virginia, it DOES snow here. But we still don't use salt. We use sand and sugar beet residue.