Awesome 4x4 & enduro expedition read
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:07 pm
With the off roaders and motorcyclists and the people that appreciate a good adventure story we have here on ASV, I thought some of you might enjoy this thread that I've been following on AdventureRider. It's an expedition across the island of Borneo, basically thru jungle trails trying to stay as close the actual equator as possible.
DEAN, you may as well skip straight to page 5 of the RR!
One aspect that makes for such good adventure reading is that many of the old bridges have been washed away so the winches really get a good work out.
Its an awesome thread written by one of the 5 enduro riders on the trip. I can't believe that i can't find any other info about the trip on the internet, especially with the large amount of 4x4s that went. Some of the trucks look so cool I wanted to find out more information about them but couldn't.
I like the fact that the thread author is so candid, and the fact that they are not nearly as prepared for such a huge expedition as you'd think they'd be. Like one of the riders all of the sudden realizes that yet again, he has lost his gear bags off his bike somehow and has to turn around to go find it.
I would love to ride a trip like this on my bike with my own support vehicle, like this Pinzgauer maybe: just add a finished Westy style interior and of course a pop top. I'm afraid the AstroLander just might be in over it's head on this one.
Hope you guys like this thread 1/2 as much as I do. Starts with some ceremonys and BS but picks up real well. Lots of 4x4 action around page 5 and after. If anybody is interested and finds more info on the net about, please post links.
DEAN, you may as well skip straight to page 5 of the RR!
One aspect that makes for such good adventure reading is that many of the old bridges have been washed away so the winches really get a good work out.
Its an awesome thread written by one of the 5 enduro riders on the trip. I can't believe that i can't find any other info about the trip on the internet, especially with the large amount of 4x4s that went. Some of the trucks look so cool I wanted to find out more information about them but couldn't.
I like the fact that the thread author is so candid, and the fact that they are not nearly as prepared for such a huge expedition as you'd think they'd be. Like one of the riders all of the sudden realizes that yet again, he has lost his gear bags off his bike somehow and has to turn around to go find it.
I would love to ride a trip like this on my bike with my own support vehicle, like this Pinzgauer maybe: just add a finished Westy style interior and of course a pop top. I'm afraid the AstroLander just might be in over it's head on this one.
Hope you guys like this thread 1/2 as much as I do. Starts with some ceremonys and BS but picks up real well. Lots of 4x4 action around page 5 and after. If anybody is interested and finds more info on the net about, please post links.