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Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:00 pm
by capulet_x
I recently had an emissions inspection done on my van. Everything passed just fine except for the fuel evaporation test. Could anyone give me any suggestions of where to look for issues in the fuel evap system? I thought it was just the hoses to the charcoal canister but are there other areas as well that could cause a problem?
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:22 pm
by lockdoc
Geez! Where do you live that they failed an 87 van for an evap test? Ridiculous. There is a hose that runs from the throttle body to the canister. Then a hose from the canister to the gas tank. The hoses are part plastic and part rubber. The plastic frequently cracks and the rubber nipples can rot out. You will usually smell gas under the hood when a hose is bad. Can't have those nasty fumes going into the atmosphere. ](*,)
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:25 pm
by Smiliesafari
Bill, is there a purge solenoid somewhere in the system? I think there is on my '96.
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:06 pm
by v8famvan
I'm with Bill on this one. Around here (VANcouver, B.C area) we have the AirCare emissions test. A 1987 vintage vehicle would not fail for a evap system fault.
However, yours did. Bill has described it correctly & accurrately. Fairly simple system: hoses - canister - tank. Easiest way to test it is with a smoke producing machine. Pumps smoke into the system - see where it comes out - fix the leak. Not much to add in the way of common problems, don't see failures on these.
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:21 am
by capulet_x
hahaha...I thought you guys would've guessed that I lived in the craptabulous, sunny, no-money, state of California.
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:51 pm
by Smiliesafari
We extend our deepest sympathies.
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:12 pm
by HPbyStan
I'll mention this again. Check your gas cap. When they get loose it screws up the system. Some even run like crap until a new cap is installed. Goofy as that sounds to me as well.
Re: Fuel Evap test....FAIL
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:15 pm
by cali85
Per my 1985 V6 4.3 carbed safari in California...(sucks to be me) is what I know. Failed evap test recently. Previous owner had connected wrong line to canister. Smog tech needs line that comes from gas tank. On my canister it is the second line from left (standing in front of car). I have a huge canister...with 6 ports. Mine is marked on canister "fuel". Of course black on black isnt too visible. The tech has to pull this line off and pinch it closed for the test. He then removes the gas cap and replaces it with his cap to pressurize the system with air. The purpose is to see if any fumes, gas is leaking on that line. If it have to find the leak and repair. Let me know if I can help you further.