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Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:34 am
by 1Gary
Hydrogen,I said in threads that dealt with conversion kits wasn't safe.Those kits generate their own hydrogen.In fact N.H.R.A. ban the use of that fuel because it isn't stable.Pass threads discovered it takes as much energy to create the hydrogen as it produces.Well today about 12:30 a Monroe county refilling station at the Rochester Airport exploded while a county worker was refilling his truck.The Monroe county has 6 vehicles that uses that fuel.So I thought I would pass along this news to you all.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:12 pm
by 1Gary
As the news devolved the explosion was at 12:50 and it is thought it occurred during a tank exchange where a empty tank was being taken and a full tank was being hooked up.These are the large tanks that are swapped once a month that feeds the filling station.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:58 pm
by Smiliesafari
It's only as safe as the person that is handleing it. It would be interesting to know how well trained the handler was. I've been fuleing my balloon with propane (highly explosive) for thirty years. No problems. You have to treat this stuff the same as you would treat a loaded gun. If you get get hurt.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:02 pm
by 1Gary
I hear you Skip.It's a fueling company that does the exchanges and I would think they are certified to handle the fuel.It's still early on to find the cause.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:51 pm
by Rileysowner
No offense, but all combustible fuels are dangerous. Taking this logic we shouldn't use propane either since there was a huge explosion at a propane depot from a licensed propane supplier in Toronto killing and injuring people in 2008. I think realizing that we need to learn from this sort of thing to make handling and using these fuels more safe is what we need to do.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:42 pm
by 1Gary
Jim,this is a pilot program for GM test vehicles.To mass produce these to the general public..............well I think there isn't a lot of people like Skip who knows what he is doing.And Skip,I want to say that I would stand next to you while you fill your balloon any day,every day.
I'll try this link: ... ?cat=11785
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:15 pm
by 1Gary
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:10 pm
by kings-x59
We had a rather passionate discussion about hydrogen injection when gas was running around $4 a gallon a while back.
hydrogen and oxygen do not explode, they implode when ignited. this is not conducive to positive pressure on a piston head.
There's this alchemic theory floating around out there about how the H and O2 gas cause the fuel/ air mix to burn more completely in some mysterious way.
after researching and watching hundreds of hours of youtube videos on the subject, I ran across one that brought my quest to an end. One group of guys that were testing the electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen took the water vapor out of the injection and lo and behold their gas mileage tanked in a major way. They were very despondent. the fact of the matter is that everyone attempting to inject a hydrogen and oxygen mix into their intake is doing nothing more than injecting water vapor into the intake via electricity. Water vapor will improve the burn of the fuel / air mix and reduce combustion temps. this can be acomplished by introducing water, or water vapor into the vacuum stream in the intake, much lower tech and much cheaper. It will rust your valves btw.
It is dangerous stuff to play with if you value your ear drums. I did in fifth grade..but that's a whole 'nuther story.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:47 am
by 1Gary
Here is a update: ... Byf3Q.cspx
GM local spokesman come on TV to claim how the test cars are safe.That they have gone threw crash tests and ballistic tests and are safer than the current cars we drive.That he drives with his kids in the back seat. #-o #-o Now this IS a test car,right???.And GM has tons and tons of money invested in this program.Sooooooo,in my mind either this spokesman is really greedy and needs a job or the dumbest person on earth that really believes his own B.S. and needs to be reported to child protective local services for driving around with his kids in a test car.
Facts is never going to change.The fuel has a very low flash point,burns extremely hot and once on fire burns without a flame.It is what it is.GM,or no one else is going to change that.To release a car that uses that fuel to the general public,is irresponsible and just more of the same we all have seen from GM over the yrs on a number of cars.One case example of mass producing cars like this is,we know how popular cell phone use is.So you take that fact and combine it with refueling using this fuel and static electricity.........
But that is just my two cents worth.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:41 am
by Kabey's Van
You are right about one thing Gary in that it take's almost as much energy to produce hydrogen as you get out of it. It's for this reason hydrogen vehicles will never work.
Some commercial hydrogen applications have shown benifit to working in metropolitain areas where pollution levels can build up from vehical use but that's about it. There has been far more development in electric and hy-bred vehicals and I believe that's where we are headed with personal vehicals.
And yes, even electricity can kill you.
One gallon of gas in the right conditions has the potential to produce as much energy as two sticks of 50mm dynamite, but we still drive cars.
Re: Hydrogen-I said it isn't safe..........
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:13 am
by 1Gary
Granted Peter,all fuels have a danger potential.But gas's flash point is higher than hydrogen.One step above and burns like hydrogen is alcohol.We use that in the race cars and are well aware of the dangers.We wear fire suits when we refill the cars.
For five yrs I was a dangerous goods specialist licensed in Washington DC while I worked at Burlington Air Express.The training from that made me very aware of the hazers.