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Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:21 am
by blk lt awd
Has anyone else experienced this? This is the first time i've ever been laid off and first time i've ever actually been unemployed. After 7 years of service with the company and me actually enjoying work, the rug got pulled out from under me.
I find there is so much to do, even around the house but i'm busy doing nothing productive yet time seems to fly by. I guess the kids keep me busy but at the end of the day I get into bed and wonder where the time went during the day and why i didn't get much done. I should be getting a lot more accomplished with my new found wealth of time.
What sucks is after 14 years of building my business which I started when I was just 19, I sold it last year to buy a house. I guess I got a little too comfortable with the company I was with. Had I seen this coming I may have reconsidered.
What sucks even more....all my great projects are going to have to be put on hold! Aughhhh!
Ah well, coulda woulda and shoulda.......what's the point of all this? :-({|= Just venting I guess. Thank you all for listening.
Re: Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:03 am
by 1Gary
It's normal to have mixed feelings of separation when laid off from a job.I suggest you convince yourself that it is a blessing and to focus on finding the next job that is even a better one.
Re: Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:48 am
by Kabey's Van
I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for you being layed off or happy you have some time off.
Enjoy it while you can, it goes by fast.
Personally, I have never been so busy with work as I am now. I could work 24/7 if I wanted to.
All I need is 2 more of me.
Re: Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:18 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Sorry to hear about the job loss. On the other hand, get that honey-do list done and when you are caught up time will slow down....some.
Enjoy the time you get with the family. Who knows, maybe the next job won't allow as much free time.
Re: Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:59 pm
by T.Low
I found that when I wrote out a schedule, my wife couldn't believe all the stuff I was getting done.
I sold my business back in '01 and told her that I was taking the summer off.
I'd get her off to work in the morning and go straight to the gym for a work out. Get home, spend 20 minutes straightening out the house room by room, then bust out a small yard project until lunch. Then go for an 2 hour mountain bike ride. Clean up and tune up the bike for tomorrow. By the time she got home from work, I had kayaks loaded up and dinner packed up so we could paddle out to Chuckanut Island and eat, then paddle back.
It was by far the best summer of my adulthood. I lost 30 lbs by the middle of the summer.
The key is to NOT multi task. Pick one project, do it well, do it fast, and make sure it looks a lot different than when she left for work that morning, then go ride!
Take advantage of the time you have, it goes by quickly!
Re: Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:34 am
by Bubbathegimp
Since you had a business and sold it, any reason you couldn't start a new one and compete with the one you sold??
Re: Laid Off Yet Busier Than When Actually Working...
Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:23 pm
by blk lt awd
Bubbathegimp wrote:Since you had a business and sold it, any reason you couldn't start a new one and compete with the one you sold??
it was part of the deal that i wouldn't start up again and compete against the new owner for a couple years. besides i'm a friend of the new owner, was an employee of mine, so i wouldn't want to do that to him. also to be quite honest, although a great business it had gone a different direction as a part of natural growth than what i had originally started.
thank you guys for all the responses. i think i've actually gotten into a groove and am actually happy with the way things are working out. spending more time with the kids and actually getting things accomplished at home. i'm looking at going back to school perhaps and even starting something new for myself again in a completely different field. as much as i'm looking around for new employment i think i'll only ever be truly happy working for myself.
besides it looks like i got out at the right time. i've heard some stories of yelling matches taking place at recent meetings between employees and management and upper management pointing fingers at each other with red faces and all for all to see. doesn't do much for employee moral.......ah well, this is how i'm feeling right now.....
and to my old employer in the most gracious way possible....