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Broken injector tab question... need to buttun up the job.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:14 am
by pur3vil
Well My van has been this way the entire time I've had it with no ill affects... while I was in there diagnosing the fuel issue I am having ( which is pinned down to the pump now ), I wanted to check and make sure my spiders leg's didn't spring any leaks... So I did the right side.. fine.. .left side... holy crap the middle one doesn't HAVE tabs... it just came out... hahahaha... doesn't leak shoved it back in the hole for now, but wth can I do about this I am NOT going to replace the assembly, I will glue the damn thing in first... $$ is tight atm... obviously it's been this way since the women that owned the van put the assembly in...and I've put 10k on teh van myself this way... is there a fix for it, or am I going to hafta engineer something...

Re: Broken injector tab question... need to buttun up the jo

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:20 am
by MountainManJoe

Re: Broken injector tab question... need to buttun up the jo

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:46 am
by pur3vil

I do have a functioning idea. I used the end of a 8" plastic wire tie. it popped in the hole with a flat head, and wont' come out til I yank it ( already tested ), probably holds it better then the crappy push tab crap.

Now the idiot women that did the spider set before me... stripped a few plenum bolts.. so I must tap these, and figure out the proper order of the bolts becuase the 10th one that's hidden... wasn't tight either.