Just a name change
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:03 pm
I have grown to very much like the name of my project van as "Ole Yellar" and I do think when I ref to it most members here know about the van I am talking about which is the 1985 High Top van you see in the picture.But it had gotten to the point where with the rust repair "could" get it back to a viable van and for me to have a no window cargo I would have to do fillers in the windows too.So I bought a rust free 1989 Florida cargo Astro.
So here is the name change.The 1989 cargo will be known as "Ole Yellar" and will get the conversion top from the 1985.The 1985 will be known as the "shop van" and will be top less this spring for hauling parts and materials,beach runs,and a back-up to the 1994LT if I don't complete a repair to that.I'll keep that at the new rental pole barn.
Thanks for your time.
So here is the name change.The 1989 cargo will be known as "Ole Yellar" and will get the conversion top from the 1985.The 1985 will be known as the "shop van" and will be top less this spring for hauling parts and materials,beach runs,and a back-up to the 1994LT if I don't complete a repair to that.I'll keep that at the new rental pole barn.
Thanks for your time.