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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:23 am
by wrp4
Hello,wrp4 here. Just wanted to say thank you & apologize.I sent a message out a couple of weeks ago under a topic that,evidently,Iwas not supposed to."looking for a good mechanic". I just crawled out from under my rock & into the 21st century.The gentlemen that I work for gave me a refurbished laptop and I am still in the learning process. So please forgive me asfor I am not a geek yet.Hey kidhauler don`t be so mean,It`s not becoming of you.And to all of you thanks for all the info on brakes & DOT 5. I am in the process of reinstalling the intake manifold gasket,so I haven`t had a chance to actually drive it. I`ll keep ya`ll{southern for you all}informed of how the brakes work.Thanks again!
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:06 pm
by Kidhauler
My post was not intended to be mean if you took it that way that's unfortunate.
But when you post a one line question with no info as to who you are or where you are it looks like a troll post. So let it go I already posted in your last thread explaining this.
Your dad has been a member here for along time and hopefully you will be too. If you were a member that had been here for a while then people would know it was a joke between you and your dad. But on your first post with no intro and no info in your profile it looked to me like the guys from the other board coming over here again to cause problems and I just was not in the mood to deal with it.
On a lighter note did the dot5 conversion work? Everyone I have asked said stay away and do not switch so I am curious if it works or not. What do you think the advantage is over dot4 fluid?
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:32 pm
by wrp4
I`ve got the intake out of it,haven`t had a chance to drive it yet.DOT5 is non-hydroscopic,therefor won`t collect moisture. My dad has done this to 2 vehicles in the past & the fluid does not get dirty.The experience I have had with my 91 Astro is the fluid got dirty & the left caliper siezed up & started pulling to the right god awful. The 2 vehicles he converted over, stayed clean even after 10 years. I don`t blame you for being irritated for my post, but I`m new at this computer/internet thing,please forgive me,I`ll try not to do it again.