I'm surprised more Americans are not at "Wit's End" yet.
Haven't you noticed their best way to keep dissents down is to make up BS stories that go towards killing their credibility?
Why do you think so many make fun of and put down the 911 truthers, and others who try to expose the sour truth in Merica.
Haven t you heard bad things being said about former Gov Jesse Ventura, now that he seems to have joined the fight for truth and freedom.
Now the powers that be are labeling him as a nut, and chipping away at his credibility by throwing out a lot of dis-information about him and others like Ron Paul and Richard Gage via the Media, to keep people from listening to them, and to try to sway people to ridiculing them.
I'm sorry to say that while your case sounds like it may be of a similar type, the similar situation in "Merica" is much much bigger and far reaching.
Surely Americans aren't actually stupid enough to fall for the media's cover ups and the propaganda of military grade & precision.
The hole punched into the white house was simply not consistent with the damage from the crash of a 757. It was too small, and where's the video footage that the FBI "stole" from every camera within miles around at the time.
Sept 10 2001 Rumsfeld announces trillions of dollars simply missing. Sept 11, all is forgotten.
Pools of not-naturally occuring molten iron under the twin towers & building 7, caused by Militaary Grade Thermite charges.
Have any Americans heard on their mainstream media that in Switzerland the courts are trying to have GWBush and others chrged as war criminals? Of couse Not, the powers that be wont allow that news on the mainstream stations.
Sorry to say it Captain, but if you live in Merica these days you should expect that people will conspire against you and work hard to discredit you if you believe in truth, or fight for freedom.
Good Luck, Merican's are gonna need it if they aren't part of the problem/elite/Zionist crowd!!
Your Country is being sadly and purposely dragged into an economic wasteland by the very powers that are supposed to protect your freedoms.
Keep on sleeping through it and next thing you know the 'New World' military will be pointing their guns at you. Not the "regular" US Military, but the 'New World Military'.
Here is a Pic of a "New World Soldier" from the New World Airport in Denver.
If you wanna tell me to go smoke more pot, or keep my tinfoil hat on tighter, then you have simply joined the flock, and you dont stand a chance in the end!
Considering who had these murals painted, and displayed where they are, The amount of symbolism in these pictures is more than most 'mericans' can deal with , and they just say, ya whatever you cook.
Sound familiar? people teaming up to discredit you?
- some refer to this as Satan's Steed of the apocalypse. It is the creepy statue that welcomes you to the denver new world airport.