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Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:17 am
by CaptSquid
I guess that this is no longer being taught during Driver's Ed. I was taught that you should be 1 car length apart for each 10 mph; later, this turned into the 2 second rule, i.e., 2 seconds between each vehicle.

This morning after a 1 minute appointment (that turned into a 45 minute exercise in patience), I was headed home. The roads are rain slick, so common sense would dictate spreading out, right? WRONG! This one thimble-brained lugnut insisted on crawling up my tail pipe at 30 mph on SLICK ROADS! My brakes and brake lights work. This *$&% didn't take the hint. When we came to a red light, I got out to ask him politely. He was very belligerent! Even had his Maglite in hand and called me a few names that, I'm quite sure, he had no idea of what they meant. Cro-Magnon man has a better vocabulary.

What I would LIKE to do is write a letter to the editor, but I don't think this creature can read beyond Dick and Jane.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:51 am
by VanGoGo
They definitely dont teach safe following distance in California, in heavy traffic if you have a gap between you and the car in front...some bonehead will squeeze in there!

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 12:56 pm
by Kidhauler
Just be glad your not on a motorbike. I have had idiots go on the shoulder to pass me in traffic because I had a one or two car gap infront of me to leave room for them to stop because they follow too close and I can easily out brake them.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:28 pm
by T.Low
I'm not sure what exactly they teach in driver's ed any more Maybe how to avoid the speaker box at the drive thru?

I'll tell you one thing though, CSquid, don't get out of your vehicle to go confront another driver. Just don't do it. There are too many crackheads, meth heads, bipolar fits, and roid ragers to ever know what you are dealing with.

A few years after my highschool football coach moved to Florida, he witnessed what appeared to be a road rage accident involving a student he knew, so he pulled over and got out to calm the student down. The student shot him dead with a shotgun, stole his truck and went on a 45 minute driving /killiing spree.

Similar thing happened just south of here in Alger two ro three years ago.

You never know who or what you are dealing with. Pull into a parking lot and let the jerk drive past you. Then, he is no longer your problem.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:33 pm
by Smiliesafari
Sounds like you've been driving in Orlando. It happens here all the time. I like to slow down to 20 mph slower than the rest of the traffic. Really gets them steamed. Eventually they will pass you. It's smart to let the idiots get in front so you can keep an eye on them.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 3:13 pm
by MountainManJoe
Let them go if they're in such a hurry. It's not worth getting shot for. ... 58741.html

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:02 pm
by doyoulikeithere
Drivers Ed isnt a requirement for getting a DL it seems.
I rode a bike for 5 years in Vancouver.
Enough is enough, i moved far out in the country!
People still tailgate here.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:15 pm
by JTalley
Driver's Ed is a joke. They didn't teach me how to parallel park. I've always had to park on a side road and walk the rest of the way until I asked someone to tell me how to do it. The driving test was an even funnier joke. They had me drive about 10 blocks and then pull up at the DMV. The test is way too easy, and more and more terrible drivers are getting on the road every day.

I'm usually not too surprised when some ridiculous wreck occurs- I see way too much junk happen in a single day to be surprised. The drivers that are on the road these days are way too distracted.

Driving has become a contact sport, I guess. I've been run off the road, and I've been in a car chase. I've only had my license for 11 months. The car chase was terrifying, let me tell you. That's why I have the van now, because my old car got jacked up in that little event. It all started with my estranged father giving me some angry gestures and honking his horn, and it ended up with me and my friend running away (literally running on foot) from a mangled suv and a pile of broken glass.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:42 am
by loopie
CaptSquid wrote: This morning after a 1 minute appointment (that turned into a 45 minute exercise in patience)
This is what sets the tone tho for the rest of your day...if you let it.
Been there a thousand times....and many more I'm sure.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 4:50 am
by ihatemybike
Tailgater usually inspire me to randomly tap the brakes or to slow down to the posted speed limit. "What you don't like when I do 5 over? Here's 0."

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:21 am
by Cobra
ihatemybike wrote:Tailgater usually inspire me to randomly tap the brakes or to slow down to the posted speed limit. "What you don't like when I do 5 over? Here's 0."
:cheers: that's what i do too if i can't get out of the way. As if 20 over isn't fast enough... well i guess sometimes it's not :muhaha:

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:01 am
by JTalley
I usually try to ignore tailgaters until they start being real stupid... I find that unless it's a cop, weaving all over the road while randomly slowing down and speeding up gets them to back off. :muhaha:

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:37 pm
by CaptSquid
Had another blivet pull another bone headed stunt today. I was pulling out of the gas station driveway, having filled, as it were, JUST BEFORE the prices jumped. I had looked before I pulled out into the right-most lane. The on-coming car was in the next lane over, but, as I pulled out, unbeknownst to me, had changed lanes into MY lane! Of course this thimble-brained idiot wasn't watching, but found out that I was there and applied her brakes in time to avoid a collision. She had out of state tags.

One wonders what cereal boxes these people get their licenses from.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:27 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
CaptSquid wrote: The on-coming car was in the next lane over, but, as I pulled out, unbeknownst to me, had changed lanes into MY lane!
That is why I will NOT pull out into the right lane with a car in the left lane. People either don't pay attention or don't signal. It's called defensive driving. I watch out for the other driver because I know they are probably distracted. I guess driving heavy farm equipment growing up as well as towing trailers and especially my camper keeps me paying very close attention to my surroundings.

Re: Safe Following Distance???

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:00 am
by CaptSquid
LiftedAWDAstro wrote:People either don't pay attention or don't signal.
AMEN to that one. I got T-Boned at the Bush's Baked Beans plant outside of Knoxville by a Ball Cannery employee. I was sitting stock still. His response? "I didn't see you." How can you NOT SEE a 13'6" tall, 26' long FREIGHTLINER TRACTOR?