Worst road trip ever
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:19 am
On Saturday, my friends and I went on a road trip. It was cursed before it even began. First of all, I was intending to get some parts while I was in Ada, but one person whose car I was supposed to work on never showed up, and another person I worked for ripped me off by refusing to give me the money until I did more work than we agreed on, then he paid me half the price we agreed on. No parts for me. Me and my friends decided to still go anyway and catch a movie. We agreed to meet up at the car show. I couldn't find my friend. Finally I borrowed a phone and called him. He was just down the street from me. We met up, picked up another friend from his house and headed to the gas station. The pump wouldn't work. After about five or ten minutes, it worked. We went on the toll road. Either the toll booth was messed up, or we miscounted, but we had to give it more change for it to let us go. We finally got to the theater and watched the movie- Apollo 18. It was terrifying.
10/10, for sure.
On the way home, the very part I was intending to buy up there quit on me. We pulled to the side of the road. Of course, it started raining. Nobody stopped. We had to call someone from Sulphur, and I told him to bring a trailer, but he didn't. He came out, told us it was fine, and made us drive it home. As soon as we took off, it stopped raining. ](*,)
We barely made it home, and now I'm riding the motorcycle again.
My sister, who I usually drive to work, says she'll help me buy the part.

On the way home, the very part I was intending to buy up there quit on me. We pulled to the side of the road. Of course, it started raining. Nobody stopped. We had to call someone from Sulphur, and I told him to bring a trailer, but he didn't. He came out, told us it was fine, and made us drive it home. As soon as we took off, it stopped raining. ](*,)
We barely made it home, and now I'm riding the motorcycle again.
My sister, who I usually drive to work, says she'll help me buy the part.