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Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:54 am
by CaptSquid
Or is it GO-rilla?

Sadly, of late (since October 2011), I have become mobility impaired. I have a CROW walker because of my Charcot arthropathy. I also have crutches to assist in my movement. These alone are good for EXTREMELY short distances. I'm being provided a powered scooter to get me around by our fabulous (?) Veterans Administration. And, because of this, I am a proud(?) possessor of a handicapped placard and may now park under the blue sign.

But, there's always someone who doesn't realize that they may NOT park under the blue sign without said placard. They come up with imaginative excuses; "I'm on dialysis." "I have a head injury." "I've applied for one." "Is that what that sign means?" "I'll be just a second." (Usually around 10-15 minutes later...) Sometimes, kids are using Granny's car.

Some retailers are indifferent, afraid that they will chase away customers. (Do you really want STOOOOOPID customers?) A few will actually direct the offender to non-handicapped parking spots.

Me? I'll ask the retailer to find the offender and ask them to move their vehicles. If I catch the individuals parking there, I'll point out that I have a placard and they do not and DEMAND that they move. But I'm prepared to call the local constabulary if they don't.

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:23 pm
by ihatemybike
Good on you! Make the idiots learn.

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:46 pm
by MrJames
Maybe they should make HP spaces like the drug store layout where sick people have to go to the rear of the store while the others can buy cigarettes at the front counter.

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:08 pm
by 1Gary
When I questioned a guy that wasn't in a wheelchair,he told me he had a heart attack twice and almost died and was wearing a marines ball cap.I asked if he was walking on two feet and he looked perplexed looking down and well yes.I then told him too bad the second time god missed out..............................

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:05 pm
by astroturf
1Gary wrote:When I questioned a guy that wasn't in a wheelchair,he told me he had a heart attack twice and almost died and was wearing a marines ball cap.I asked if he was walking on two feet and he looked perplexed looking down and well yes.I then told him too bad the second time god missed out..............................
w0w, I am speechless!

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:28 pm
by Kidhauler
A guy I used to know would carry a jiffy marker and write on the window. This parking stall is for the physically handicapped not the mentally.

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:13 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Now that's funny KH! It annoys me to no end to see perfectly healthy people parking in the handicapped places. Me, I prefer to park as far out as I can. I like the walk. Plus you don't have to try to squeeze into a parking spot.

Cap'n...too bad you didn't have a 1 ton truck you could throw a car lift on like the repo guys use! :muhaha: The scumbag that takes up your parking space would be pissed to find his/her vehicle two lots over! :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Guerilla Tactics

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:53 am
by JTalley
I've had to ride with people that take handicapped spots... It's irritating. They even joke around, telling the other passengers to pretend to limp. Now that I have my license and these same people don't, I have to drive them around. I park towards the far end of the parking lot.

I think there should be stricter laws about stuff like this.