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Re: Sleep Apnea

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:02 am
by skippy

Post subject: Re: Sleep Apnea Reply with quote
You kidding me? I helped organize a high school reunion about 6 yrs ago. Turned out that a buddy of mine from school passed away in 99' from prostrate cancer. Same age as myself.
Well, I marched my then still-firm-and-taut butt to the family doc and insisted he perform "one of those" exams 8-[
Asked him to perform the exam the following year, though he insisted that it was unnecessary for a me due to my age bracket. Even insinuated that I was starting to enjoy the exam a bit too much (we've known each other for quite some time and always joke around :smurf: ).

I now go religiously for a PSA (or is that PST?) test every year. I was around 2.0 the 1st year and the results are pretty well the same so far. Dad had prostrate cancer at the age of 55, so I ain't takin' any chances. I do miss the ole digital exam though. Boy, those were great times.... :muhaha:
Give me a call Peter I can help you out with that. [-o<
:muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha: :muhaha:

Re: Sleep Apnea

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:55 pm
by CaptSquid
No, no, NO! This isn't a digital examination. The operative word is LOOK! They stick a camera up the wazoo :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: and you actually get to see the inner workings on the tube as they take a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG look around.

Re: Sleep Apnea

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:30 am
by danlauer
CaptSquid wrote:No, no, NO! This isn't a digital examination. The operative word is LOOK! They stick a camera up the wazoo :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: and you actually get to see the inner workings on the tube as they take a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG look around.

I've got a camera, Peter you still have not called. :muhaha:

Re: Sleep Apnea

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:18 am
by peter
Nice, Lauer! Real nice. The level of sensitivity you've shown me during this post is truly awe-inspiring. [-(

Re: Sleep Apnea

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:38 pm
by CaptSquid
Peter, you'd love it and you just won't admit to it.

Re: Sleep Apnea

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:58 am
by peter
Gimme a break. I'm greek. I don't have to admit anything, it's common knowledge :bounce: