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Who wants to spam exchange? ASV does!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:14 pm
by ohvuser
If you haven't found it yet, be sure to check out too. That is where most of the Astro/Safari guys hang out.

Re: Who wants to spam exchange? ASV does!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:36 pm
by mattblackratbus
Been there done that... :butthead: ....Johnny

Re: Who wants to spam exchange? ASV does!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:54 pm
by justice
i think that everyone here is pretty much aware of and i had hoped that Austin's petty war against ASV had ended, but i guess not.

If this is the kind of thing (spamming the ASV forums and the users via PM) that Austin Maddox wants to stoop to to draw people to, then thats pretty damn sad and says quite a lot.

I myself, do not visit nor do i have an account there. I have plenty to do with ASV. I highly doubt that any of the admins or mods are logging onto and spamming links for ASV. If any of the ASV users are doing something like this, i will ask you now to stop.

this user has already been banned and his information collected. There is no need for anyone else to reply to this thread.

If Austin Maddox has a problem with ASV then he is welcome to signup for an account here with the username one6astro (his old username) or what ever name he is using now on the new as site, and we can discuss it.

this subject is now closed.