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Tranny rebuild....

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:02 pm
by pengyou
Assuming my fuel system problem can be fixed for a reasonable amount of money :yellin: the next thing I will address is the tranny issue. I thought I ran across a post on this forum that described how to rebuild the tranny in my 96 stro but I cannot find it. All I found was a post on rebuilding a 5 speed.

What I am looking for are suggestions on how to rebuild it with a view to towing a trailer (most of the time would be a tent trailer but sometime might be a 20+ footer. I am going to add a good tranny cooler for sure...and I am hoping the rebuilt tranny will run for another 100K miles, at least. One last thing - I just did some searching and have run across some posts that suggested that the torque converter that I use might have an impact on mpg. What do you know about this?

Re: Tranny rebuild....

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:53 pm
by LaGrasta
great cooler and parts place.