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Greetings from Estonia

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:12 am
by Sten
Hello!I'm a proud owner of a white '97 Astro AWD Explorer conversion. It came to Estonia in the beginning of 2008. It has done 180k. The interior seems well preserved, all electric equipment worked well. Body has no dents, only some rust. The white colour makes it easy to notice!

So now the main problems. First ther was a grinding noise from the engine. I think all of you had heardi it. So I replaced the alternator's bearings, but it still was. Secondly I thaught it has something to do with the water pump or the vent (and its clutch). Tried to take the vent away but failed. Also added some cooland and the noise disappeared. It think it was a Christmas miracle.
Secondly, the front axel seams to be leaking. Because I have troubel getting under the van, I have few information what exacly is happening there.
And finaly this years winter is doing most of the damage. Thank good for AWD! But the problem is iceing! Sliding door does not work normaly, rear hatch wont open and close correctll etc. Hopefully everything will start workin when it goes warm again.

And my projects. First, change all oils (If you have a link what to use where...). Secondly, the rust and leaks (have to wait fore the summer, because I have no proper garage) And finaly some modifying (electric vent, TV is missing new rims etc.)

Excuse me for my spelling and hope to talk to you soon!



Re: Greetings from Estonia

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:49 pm
by astroturf
Welcome aboard. Jim

Re: Greetings from Estonia

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:22 pm
by astrozam
Hi Sten, nice picture of the van, welcome to ASV :cheers:

Re: Greetings from Estonia

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:53 pm
by Rebel
Welcome to ASV's. Hope ya thaw out soon but know you have some time to go before the melt. Some great folks here, all willing to help all they can.

Re: Greetings from Estonia

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:47 pm
by Smiliesafari
Welcome to the site, Sten. \:D/ Beautiful pic of the van.