No Krypton is not a real planet and sorry to break the news to ya Gary Superman isn't real either. If he was there is NO way you could even begin to be compared to him and what he is like, he is eons better than you.
Gearing up for another great camping season Camper is re packed and ready to roll.
The 2012 camping season has begun!!!!!!!!
Camping Trip Count for 2011 - 2
Camping Nights Count for 2011 - 4
89AstroDan wrote:Great! More bottled water on the supermarket shelf. "Bottled from real Martian Spring Water"
LOL highly unlikely.
Keep in mind that the "water ice" they found is most likely highly acidic and extremely salty. NASA is using the probe to do some testing on the ice as the probe has a built in mass spectrometer to find that out. But considering the environment there it's highly probable. So don't get your hopes up on people "living" there in our life times as desalination plants and some sort of filtration plant to purify the water before use would need to be built first.
98 Safari RWD. Stock.
Do you smell what Barack is cookin ?!?!
So don't get your hopes up on people "living" there in our life times as desalination plants and some sort of filtration plant to purify the water before use would need to be built first.[/quote]
:-k - first, I think they'll need to warm it up a bit, and figure out how to block radiation. lets, send some of that nasty carbon and methane and ozone...
not to mention building materials, like the big main fuel tanks from every shuttle mission, that gets jettisoned before the shuttle reaches orbit.... I say take it farther and put it in orbit for future use, or send it or a group of them to the moon or mars, to be used as building materials, not to mention all the stuff still left in the tanks, when they're jettisoned... fuel, air, water....
They already used all that energy to get it up that far and moving that fast, then they just dump it, allowing it to burn up and disintegrate on reentry (what a waste)
old enough to remember first moon landings, and always hated the fact that interest was lost and nothing more ever done...
2000 Astro, passenger van. Converted into a cargo van, used for Carpet cleaning (10 lbs of crap, in a 5 lb bag)
Helloooo, Jim's pic shows there's already life there. We just have to trade them some pretty beads or something shiny to get what we want. It worked before.