oh man you guys are great i couldn't help but laugh when i saw how many responses from my last post
Someone: people are still buying stuff they are just more cautious, the prices and the value of the item is harsly scrutinized.
ihatemybike:Of course theres no point if they aren't better then stock can't forget to reupolster the interior and maybe a full pioneer sound system with an avic Z3 for a source (or something along those lines

) how about full body kits or shaved bare and lowered

oh i almost forgot to meantion ....... wait for it....... POP-TOPS and CONVERSION (whoa thought i was going to pass out for a sec shouldn't hold my breath waiting too often)
Kidhauler: whole dealership, obviously that would be if you had a REDICULOUS amount of money to through around or happened to find a power of sale or the likes. i happened to know of one place that would probably be perfect for that has a nice little reseption in the front and driveup ramps in teh back and loading docks near the airport next to my work.... actually part of the same building (we do auto parts btw

) oh make that two the another build not far from my work that used to be our competitor (till they got bought out). The customer installs, maintanence and general mechanic work would be a given since you are already a garage (more then a manufacturer anyways)
T.Low: Bingo that's pretty much right on the mark i didn't go through the site to see what all they do but that first page hit right out in front of my house lol. i didn't see anything about them selling whole ones tho but i'm sure they can help locate them for you
ok i think i'm done for this post
oh if you really wanted to try to do electric conversion their would not be a better chance