Look at this frikin guy;

He's a rock of strength. A pillar of the family. A stud. The guy everyone wants to hang out with because of who he genuinely is. Some of you know him as my brother in law, the man who helped me install the lift and T case etc. He's become a great friend over the years.
Well, we found out yesterday, out of the blue, that he has Stage 3 Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.
37 yrs old, a 6 yr old son, 4 yr old daughter, lovely devoted wife. There are 3 siblings including my wife, him, and an adopted Asian sister. They along with their father are the tightest family I have ever seen. (the mother bugged out when my wife was 4yrs old, and the father raised them on his own). I've told my wife that fter seeing the dynamic between the three of them, we definitely need to have three kids. He's the one of the smartest guys I know. He's sturdy and stable as a rock. He has worked hard to set up his life so that he can spend quality time with his family while providing a very good income for them. Doesn't drink often, doesn't smoke. He is "there" for so many people. If the family was a hockey team, he'd be team captain soon, if not now that my father in law is getting older.
My study on this type of cancer is that you may have 2 months, 50% make it to 5yrs, 25% make it 10 yrs.
Life can be so random, so unjust. I'm pissed, we're sad, all the different emotions that go along with these things. I realize that this is part of everday life in the world. I know I just need to be there for her and the family. I feel so bad for her.
Thanks for letting me vent, Zammer, and all at ASV, without passing judgement. Take care.
If anybody has family issues of there own, please feel free to express them in this thread.