Well, her brother Jason brought his Gas Gas 450 fse dual sport for me to ride and his riding buddie's Husaberg 450 dual sport for himself to ride.
Now its been about 30 yrs since I really spent anytime on a dirt bike. And while these are street legal and license plated dual sports, make no mistake about it; they are dirtbikes.
We rode 3 1/2 hours Friday and then again Saturday. Up into the mountains. In an hour we went from 1100ft eleveation to 5780.
I was pretty rusty, but by the end of the first day I was half way confident again.
I had so much fun I'm buying his Gas Gas Saturday. (Fuel injected 450 @ less than 250lbs:D )
Yeah, these are the only pics. Really no place to tuck a camera when wearing full gear.