I got up this morning( good thing) and it was 44* F outside and 58*F inside. I am not complaining at all I LOVE this cooler weather. As a matter of fact it was enjoyable to sit byt the campfire yesterday afternoon.
Well,that temp is just a bit too cold for me to be able to function in the house so I needed to get a fire int he furnace going. We wanted the stacked wood for the furnace to dry outside as much as we can because our basement is so damp that nothing dries very well, so we didn't have any wood stacked inside yet. So, I go and get a wheelbarrow of wood, bring it into the basement and get a fire going.

Surprising enough the fire started really easily and I was able to get a nice draft going. Just in the little bit that I have taken to type this the house has already warmed up a bit. Looks like we will be having morning and night fires for a little while until it gets too cold then it will be all day fires.
Sure sign of Fall. Although we still have 2 more camping trips planned. The first two weekends in October.