The dark line in the water are fish churning, tens of thousands of skipjacks, also known as lady fish
we got there to do some wade fishing just at sunrise, we were in hopes that the specks would be running. If I had a waterproof camera, I'd have some picks of the fish scatter as the black tip sharks ripped trough the schools. Skipjacks are a bitch to keep on a hook, they are brethren to tarpon. when you hook 'em they come out of the water and shake the hook out. We landed eight, 10 to 15 inches. The experience of standing in the middle of all that action was like being in the forest in fall when the wind blows hard, the leaves scatter and blow, the action in the water was the same. I've never seen anything like it.

My newest fishin buddy, My granddaughter, "scooter" I call her. She's already exhibiting a concerted concentration on her bobber. just shy of 4 years old.

The artistic shot my wife took a while back of the store/marine fuel/bait camp across from the family house on the "crik".
and last but not least, two of my other daughters mucking it up in my wife's and my waders:

Fall's nigh, the big reds will be runnin soon, I am stoked

(edit, hope the pics work...)