Hey Cobra,
Sorry, but I had to kill a tree yesterday. It was an ash, so it's ash was grass.
All three attemps have been excavating businesses. After having worked for other people for 10 years my first attempt was in '91 and it was a complete failure due to a desperate lack of work.
It was a learning experience.
My second attemp was some what of a success. I had a John Deere 450 clc (see pic) and a sweet contract with a private land development company. Two years ago when the economy crashed I sold everything and stepped back from O/O for a bit and worked for other people for a while.
This will be my third attempt and I have a good feeling about it as I am in with a good group of people that I am looking forward to doing business with.
Hey Potskie,
The thumb is for a 160 so I can pick up things a little easier than if it had a standard sized thumb. It meshes with the digging buckets teeth better.
It has a hydrolic quick change which I will never live without again. My 450 had one too.
As far as the blade goes you can push about 2 m3 with no problem. So it is like a D3 or D4.
It weighs 32,500 lbs. on the float. It has the 9' 4" stick, which limits it's lifting ability but it is still capable of lifting 18,000 lbs. I also opted for the 30" pads for better stability and float-ability in the mud.
It has a JD/Cat switch in it, so you can run either JD or Cat controls.
Here's a link to the spec sheet.
http://www.casece.com/wps/wcm/connect/c ... OD=AJPERES
And no that's not the new 2011 Astro work van, it the 1991 mobile dog house for my Landseer.