Let me start out by saying what an awesome site this is. VERY informative.
I'm a new member and need your input. I've got a '96 Astro 2WD/RWD LT extended. 6 port Heater Control Valve took a crap so out it came for replacement. Vac lines all need replacement too. No big deal there. What I need help with is...factory GM part numbers for the 2 hoses in the pic. The short, straight piece (we'll refer to as UPPER in the pic) and the curved piece (LOWER in pic), I cannot find GM part numbers for. The straight piece..no biggie. Standard aftermarket stuff at O'Reillys, AutoZone, Advance, NAPA....etc,etc. The molded curved piece?? Not so much. The offerings from said auto parts stores is just a 90* elbow. The factory part is 90* with a twist. But you guys knew that. ;)
From what I've read...the aftermarket heater control valve assemblies don't like any undue pressure on the fittings, causing cracks and failure. It's already a PITA to get this assembly out of there so I'd rather go with OEM hoses if I can. All hoses are getting replaced at this time so I might as well do it once and do it right.
Does anyone have the factory OEM GM part #'s for these hoses?
Thanks Much!!
Roger Sibilsky
Dahlonega, GA.